BCPC Knowledge Bank

BCPC’s Knowledge Bank provides access to a wealth of research from past BCPC Congresses and Symposia. This resource contains over 64,000 pages dating back to 1954 through to 2009.

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Found 1029 results
Publication Title.ExcerptPublication dateView/download PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1972 – Vol II p537-631...the produce compared to dinoseb and the greatest effect was at site B, where the severe competition from S. media and other weeds caused premature ripening on the untreated control...pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2003 – Session 9A GM Crops...we can adopt comparative risk assessment of GMtechnology compared with alternative agricultural practices. Ecological risk assessments have been widely developed for assessing the impact of “contaminants” (usually an abiotic chemical...2003pdfview PDF
BCPC WEEDS 2001 VOL 2 Part-1-of-5...Email: gensec@bcpc.org Web: www.bcpc.org All rights reserved. Nopart of this publication may be reproduced,storedin a retrieval system,or transmitted, in any form orby any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, withoutthe...2001pdfview PDF
Pests and Diseases 2002 Vol1 – Field Vegetables...economic return. The implementation and accreditation of these standards has developed into a complex infrastructure over the last five years in response to a perceived need to demonstrate to consumers...2002pdfview PDF
6-Derek-Oliphant-Recent-Dynamics-in-Crop-Protection-Market...Phil Mac Associates LLP is available here www.agbioinvestor.com/team Analytical Team AgbioInvestor support@agbioinvestor.com +44 131 677 0267 Global Jack Hopper jack@agbioinvestor.com +44 330 113 7539 China 杭州 Lily Lai lily@agbioinvestor.com 13588408133...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 2001 Vol2 Session 7A-8A...there is no standard selective herbicide providing commercial control in cereals. Farmers commonly used metribuzin in combination with otherherbicides like flufenacet & diflufenican (Herold), providing temporary suppression of Bromus, in...pdfview PDF
Lysimeter Studies of the Fate of Pesticides in the Soil – Experimental Approaches...and the significance of microbial communities. In: Microbial Degradation of Organic Compounds D.T. Gibson, (Ed), New York, Dekker, 439-485 Stork, A., Brumhard, B. and Fiihr, F. (1990) Standardised laboratory experiments...pdfview PDF
FC23 GB Farmer’s Club Talk – 1.6.23 – PDF...679 679 contact@ceresrural.co.uk FOLLOW US VISIT US ceresrural.co.uk https://twitter.com/ceresrural/ https://www.instagram.com/ceresrural/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/ceres-rural/ http://facebook.com/ceresruraluk https://ceresrural.co.uk/ Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide...pdfview PDF
Pests and Diseases 2002 Vol1 – Discussion – New Compounds...guidelines (EPPO – European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation or CEB – Commission Essais Biologiques, France) and with application timing according to commonagriculturalpractice. Wheat In winter wheat, HEC5725 provides complete...2002pdfview PDF
Predicting Field Performance in Crop Protection – Session 2...of Bt, commercial microbe-based biopesticides are insignificant and probably all are still loss-making to the large companies involved in this area (Tormala, 1995). Indeed, many medium-sized biopesticide companies have had...pdfview PDF
Insecticide and fungicides Conference Session 4A...blades are easily detached and trans— ferred. The order of magnitude between hairs on a plant and grass, as well as 155 insect and human legs, is roughly compa rable....1975pdfview PDF
Pesticide Movement to Water – Session 3...Unfortunately, this created an issue with “nonsense combinations” of input – – – combinations of soil properties and weather that have little chance of co- existing in the real world....pdfview PDF
British Insecticide and Fungicide Conference 1973 Vol III Session 1-4A...gross trading profits of companies have risen by 46 per cent. Today, of course, we must look at our agriculture in the far wider context of the European Economic Community....pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2007 2A – New Compounds, Concepts, Uses and Approaches 1...98 Fipronil Orysastrobin + Clothianidin Dicyclomet combination Probenazole 400 95 combination Pyroquilon combination Applicationrate Product . ga.i./ha) 700 99 300 95 1200 Table 2. Efficacy of orysastrobin against panicle blast...2007pdfview PDF
WRO Report 03...Potatoes British Crop Protection Council (BCPC) BCPC: Application Committee Conference Organizing Committee Programme Committee Steering Committee 4th and 5th Annual Reviews of Herbicide Usage 1] British Grassland Society Journal Committee...pdfview PDF
WRO Report 07 p68-end...effects of tractor weight and wheelslip in causing soil compaction. Journal of Soil Science, 35 399-411. DEXTER,A. R. & TANNER,D. W. (1974). Time dependence of compressibility for remoulded and undisturbedsoils....pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2005 – Session 8B Minimising Residues...On-line http://www.assuredproduce.co.uk Central Science Laboratory (CSL) http://rapport.csl.gov.uk Food Standards Agency http://www.food.gov.uk and www.food.gov.uk/aboutus/ourboard/boardmeetings/boardmeetbranch2004/boardmeeting05 1 304/boardminutes 130504 Pesticide Residue Committee Annual Report 2003 www.prc-uk.org The BCPC International Congress — Crop Science...2005pdfview PDF
Crop Protection in Organic and Low Input Agriculture – Contents...and CLAIRE E. SANSFORD https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Crop-Protection-in-Organic-and-Low-Input-Agriculture-UK-Weed-Pest.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Crop-Protection-in-Organic-and-Low-Input-Agriculture-Disease-Systems.pdf Control of diseases in field vegetables using resistant cultivars and their integration with biological and chemical methods R. E. BEALE and J. B. SWEET...pdfview PDF
Weeds In A Changing World – Contents...Biological control of weeds: the way forward, a South African perspective J. HOREMANN, .ncccocesnescsesnaxcanesnnenassunseansussannensnnnnnsonnsion ta ska 5265 TUSiS UN SeABOISTs U5 RNS US COTTA 77 https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Weeds-in-a-Changing-World-Preface.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Weeds-in-a-Changing-World-Approach-I.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Weeds-in-a-Changing-World-Communication-I.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Weeds-in-a-Changing-World-Evolution-I.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Weeds-in-a-Changing-World-Evolution-I.pdf...pdfview PDF
Stored Products Pest Control – Contents...studies to stored product rodent control M. FENN and D. MACDONALD Performance and environmental studies with the new anticoagulant rodenticide flocoumafen B. GARFORTHand R. A.JOHNSON https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Stored-Products-Pest-Control-Session-1-and-2.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Stored-Products-Pest-Control-Session-3-4-and-5.pdf Flupropadine — a...pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation