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Found 1490 results
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Fungicide Resistance Benzimidazoles and Dicarboximides – Posters 259-280...the performance of strategies used to combat resistance. Where efforts to assess the risk of resistance to new compounds identifies resistant mutants at an early stage in development, rapid, DNA...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance Benzimidazoles and Dicarboximides 1-208...on the selection for resistance in the population was examined. METHODS To identify the combined effects of fungicide use patterns and declining residual activity on the population dynamics of resistance...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance DMI Fungicides p111-130...bromuconazole 0.03 90 . -50 0.50 epoxyconazole 0.02 – 30 « 225 0.40 flusilazole 0.008 -10 A -10 0.40 hexaconazole 0.01 -50 ‘ – 30 0.75 cyprodinil 0.006 -005 F...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance Morpholines – Posters...type) tested in the sametest. Il. To study the competitive ability of FS- and FR- monospore isolates, two FS- isolates (LH and 67) and two FR-isolates (3a and 16c) were...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance Morpholines p309-324...102 -12.05 P= 0.01 A 157 -5.11 d) Isolates classified by location and virulence Location virulence for No. mean’l’’ Comparison significance cv Hornet isolates N Vv 49 -14.97 N,V vS,V...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance Phenylamides p147-162...with PA resistance Month 1981-85 1986-°93 June 0.5 16.6 July 5.0 54.8 August 20.0 63.7 September 24.7 52.9 Numberof crops surveyed 281 1,167 TABLE 2: Comparison ofdifferent phenylamide based strategies...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance Morpholines p297-308...1992 and 1993, using a car- mounted Jet Spore Trap. A standard technique was used to measure the sensitivity of all the isolates to the morpholine fungicide fenpropimorph. In 1993,...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance DMI Fungicides p56-66...practice: - standard nonselective program: sulphur (10 000 g Al/ha) - DMI program:triadimenol (37.5 g Al/ha); - half rate DMI: triadimenol (18.75 g Al/ha); - mixtures: triadimenol+sulphur (25+4000 g Al/ha)or...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance DMI Fungicides p19-34...frequency distributions of prochloraz IG;, values from dose- responsetesting of P. herpotrichoides isolates from Frenchtrials between 1985 and 1991. M < — - A b P r s e =...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance Benzimidazoles and Dicarboximides 207-224...Penrose, L.J.; Davis, K.C.; Koffmann, W. (1979). The distribution of benomyl- tolerant Sclerotinia fructicola (Wint) Rehm in stone fruit orchards in New South Wales and comparative studies with susceptible isolates....pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance – Risk Evaluation II...protocol from Gisi andStaehle- Csech and modified it as shownin Figure1. Test Meth – Baseline sensitivities To be able to test a new compoundin standard agar plate assays at least...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance DMI Fungicides p66-86...used to inoculate plants in greenhouse experiments. Pathogenicity and competitive ability of sensitive and resistant strains are similar. The resistant strains seem to be as competitive or less competitive than...pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Biological Control Posters 73-85...of Bem- becia scopigera were determinedin 1, 2 and 3 year- old infes- ted sainfoin ( Onobrychis viciifolia ) fields by various met- hods including sweep netting , attractive bait...pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Biological Control Posters 107-122...that required for approval for any new compoundsfor use on lettuce. Mean no. aphids/plant (4) Pre-treatment H&2 DAT M10 DAT Pirimicarb Untreated FIGURE 3. The efficacy of the commercial standard...pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Biological Control Posters 143-158...effective working width, for example the working width ofa baleris not the width of the balers pick- up reel but the width of crop cut from which the swath was...pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Biological Control Posters 159-170...component of the polyphagous predator complex. They make horizontal webs both on and above the ground, depending on the species, and have been shown to have a significant impact on...pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Biological Control Posters 171-186...rate to compensatefor poorer germination conditions, slug damage and loss of plants through mechanical weeding. Good plant populations required to compete with weeds and compensate for lowertiller numbers dueto limited...pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Novel Chemistry 353-370...Activity of drimane antifeedants and related compounds against aphids, and comparative biological effects and chemical reactivity of (-)- and (+)- polygodial. Journal of Chemical Ecology 14, 1845-1855. Blight, M.M.; Pickett,...pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Novel Chemistry 386-402...in the fi eld (Havis & Walters, unpublished results). NNNESCICIH,N Ze E-BED (E)-1,4-diaminobut-2-ene C,H;COO C,Hs LeNHNA | SGHs |CH, C;H;COO C,H E-TED (E)-(N,N,N”,.N’-tetraethyl)-1,4-diaminobut-2-ene NH,Cl NH,Cl BAD 1,2-bis(aminomethyl)-4,5-dimethylcyclohexa-1,4-diene CH,NEt; ““CHNEt, TBAMBH...pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Systems Projects 305-320...+13 +17 -40 50% -141 -248 -187 -136 S. barley 100% 703 +5 -19 +20 50% -79 -46 -44 -80 S. oats 100% 608 -12 +4 50% +16 +4 -9...pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation