BCPC Knowledge Bank

BCPC’s Knowledge Bank provides access to a wealth of research from past BCPC Congresses and Symposia. This resource contains over 64,000 pages dating back to 1954 through to 2009.

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Found 1445 results
Publication Title.ExcerptPublication dateView/download PDF
BCPC Congress 2007 7D – Efficacy – Effective Biocontrol...country, the year the mealybugfirst appeared was registered and computed with an 80%harvest loss. Within five years, these losses were computed to decline by half because farmers adopted more tolerant...2007pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2007 10D – Functional Biodiversity 1...made in network construction (for example, in eco-informatics), the theoretical advances (for example, complex systems approaches) and the ongoing threat ofbiodiversity loss, combined with ambitious agri- environment schemes, nowis a...2007pdfview PDF
Insecticide and fungicides Conference Vol 3 Session 7A...miscellaneous ————m» Cell or nuclear compounds division Several antibiotics; _.=CDNA, RNA or GROWTH AND miscellaneous compounds protein synthesis——————*®REPRODUCTION Phenoxyalkanoic acids and related compounds; benzoic ——————-» Combination at acids (except TIBA);...1975pdfview PDF
Pests and Diseases 2002 Vol1 – Tropical and Subtropical...farmers, those factors that contribute mostsignificantly to disease reduction. Oneoverall goal ofthe research programmewasto investigate the principal components of potential integrated disease managementstrategies for greenhouse production systemswithin the Sultanate. MATERIALS...2002pdfview PDF
Pesticide Behaviour in Soils and Water – Quantitative II...class combinations, 44 unique combinations were found: 29 combinations included more than oneprofile, and the first 9 represent 45% of the profiles. Simulations for all the unique combinations were performed...pdfview PDF
Pesticide Behaviour in Soils and Water – Session 7 Posters III – Risk...size. The first aim of this study was to assess the spatial variation in the concentration of four herbicides underfield conditions; the second was to compare the herbicide soil concentration...pdfview PDF
Pesticide Behaviour in Soils and Water – Degradation IIB...matter for the adsorption and mobility of hydrophobic organic compoundsin soils, much research has been carried out on the effects that the addition of such organic materials to the soil...pdfview PDF
Pesticide Behaviour in Soils and Water – Degradation II...M Hurst Aventis CropScience, 2 T WAlexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2014, USA Email: russell.jones@aventis.com ABSTRACT Field studies conducted with isoxaflutole in 1999 and 2000 included soil sampling at...pdfview PDF
British Weed Control Conference 1954 – Vol II – Recommendations of Sub-Committee pt2...the compound without chlorine substitution the least persistent. There is some indication that the latter compound may be the more effective against deeper rooted perennial weeds. When using these compounds...pdfview PDF
British Weed Control Conference 1954 – Vol II – Seed Drill Survey...Ontario 1953. Proc. of Fast Sect. of National Weed Committee 7: 1954. Personal communication 1954, 1951. Seed drill survey in Quebec. Proc. Fast Sect. of National Weed Committee 6: 1953....pdfview PDF
British Weed Control Conference 1956 – Vol II – Research – Papers Not PresentedRESEARCHREPORTS NOT PRESENTED AT THE CONFERENCE Research Report No. D.7 CONTROL OF HORMOUE-RESISTANT WEEDS IN CEREALS T., C, Breese & A, F, J. Wheeler Plant Protection Ltd,, Fernhurst Research Station...pdfview PDF
British Weed Control Conference 1956 – Vol II – Variable Dosage SystemAPPLICATION TECHNIQUES Chairman: Mre Me Ne Gladstone Research Report No. D,1 THE CHESTERFORD LOGARITHMIC SPRAYER G. S, Hartley, R. K. Pfeiffer & R. T. Brunskill Chesterford Park Research Station, Fison’s...pdfview PDF
British Weed Control Conference 1958 – American Farmer...manyresearch workers recommend MCPA. The main reasonfor this is cost, since several American chemical companies are basic in phenol and2,4-D is madeinverylarge quantities and at amuch lower cost than MCPA....pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases Conference 1979 – Cereals Papers 6-7...conditions favour the p athogens. Our aim was to develop a broad-spectrum fungicide in order to obtain com- prehensive control of a range of common cereal diseases. This was achieved...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases Conference 1979 – Resistance and Selectivity Papers 49...be the first example of chemical allatectomy. This pap er reports preliminary studies on the mode of action of precocenes, with emphasis on Pl and its derivatives. METHODS AND MATERIALS...pdfview PDF
Seed Production and Treatment – New products and uses p17-30...the relevant pathogen. All carried natural infections except for commonbunt, where spores ofTilletia caries were mixed with the wheatseed (2 g/kg seed) prior to chemical treatment. Control of soil-borne common...pdfview PDF
Seed Production and Treatment – Efficacy p70-81...compoundapplied (log K,, and charge). Introduction Systemic seed treatments are used commercially for efficient pest management, especially for foliar pest control, and have potential for eradicating seed-borne pathogens. Systemic compoundsshould...pdfview PDF
Weed Control in the Northern Environment – Research 80-93...commercial standards and untreated control plots, and, in addition to compare the commercial formulation of cyanazine/ MCPA at 0.31/1.40 kg a.i./ha in volumes of water ranging from 135 – 280...pdfview PDF
Weed Control in the Northern Environment – Research 121-136...crop and weeds under different climatic conditions is a much more complex problem. Roberts (L904) and Chancellor (L905) examined patterns of emergence of annual weeds in the tield over many...pdfview PDF
John Giles – Final BCPC 12th MayUK production in a dynamic trade environment 12th May 2022 1 What do we produce & how ? 2 World apple production, 2021 (source: USDA – base: 82 million tonnes)...pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation