BCPC Knowledge Bank

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Found 1537 results
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WRO Technical Report Number 74...AC 252214 is imazaquin, DPX-T6376 is metsulfuron-methyl METHODS AND MATERIALS AC 252214 2-( 4-isopropy1—4—methy1-5—oxo-—2-—imidazolin-—2-yl ) —3-quinolinecarboxylic acid DPX-—T6376 Methyl 2-[3-( 4-methoxy—6-methy1l-1,3,5—triazin-—2-yl ) ureidosulphony]1Jbenzoate CHLORAZIFOP 2-[4-(3,5-dichloro—2-pyridyloxy )—phenoxy]—propionic acid, —2-propynylester NOTE The...pdfview PDF
RGwynn – BCPC Biofungicide Regulation...thrips, mite, aphids Laminarin Vacciplant Botanical Cereal diseases Citronella oil Barrier H Botanical Herbicide Garlic concentrate Eagle Green Care Botanical Free living nematodes Cold pressed orange oil Prev-AM Botanical Insects...pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2003 – Session 5C Spray Application...boom — field data. The data obtained from the two-nozzle experiment were summed over 24m to allow a comparison between two nozzles and a full boom. Unfortunately, the wind increased...2003pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2003 – Session 9C New Approaches...al., 2002), cabbage [caterpillars, Pieris sp.] (Geervliet ef al., 1997), pear [psyllids] (Scutareanu er a/., 1997), hops [aphids, Phorodon humuli] (Campbell er al., 1993), bird cherry [aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi| (Glinwood...2003pdfview PDF
British Weed Control Conference 1956 – Vol I – Wild Oats prt1...control obtained, Othercrops Wintercereals Experiments spraying winter sown cereals in March and April failed to give any satisfactory degree of weed control, there being only one instance where 50% control...pdfview PDF
British Weed Control Conference 1956 – Vol I – Weed Ecology...such hybrids, cohabit much more commonly in cul tivated land than in natural communities. This rather remarkable tendency for c losely related weed species to cohabit on agricultural land is...pdfview PDF
Controlled Drop Application p147-170...- 158 - rates. C. album was only controlled by 20, 160 and 320 l/ha and the reductior numbers was greatest at the medium volume rates (160 and 3cO 1/na)....pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 58...weeds and weed control in fenugreek is available. Richardson and Parker (1978) found that it tolerated alloxydim- sodium and pyridate. Mohlgaard (pers.comm.) tested six herbicides in a small plot field...pdfview PDF
Controlled Drop Application p110-127...a rectangular framework supported between two end sections which act as legs and optional windshields. The semi-permeable wind- shields and handles are adjustable to suit height of crop and operator....pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Biological Control Posters 87-106...(0.8-41.4) 34.2 ( 13.6- 62.3) 7.5 (11-188) 10.7 (0.0- 23.3) 8.9 (5.0-19.1) 10.2 ( 1.4- 288) C. nitens 0.9(0.0-0.9) 2.5 (00-68) 4.5 (0.0- 19.9) 1.4 (0.0-5.9) 0.9 (0.0-5.7) 1.7 (0.0-7.4)...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance DMI Fungicides p1-18...analysis of DMI-resistant field isolates identified both monogenic and polygenic resistance. Laboratory- generated mutants often show reduced comparative fitness, and this phenomenon may counteract the development of polygenic resistance development...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance Morpholines – Posters...type) tested in the sametest. Il. To study the competitive ability of FS- and FR- monospore isolates, two FS- isolates (LH and 67) and two FR-isolates (3a and 16c) were...pdfview PDF
Pesticide Behaviour in Soils and Water – Sorption and Mobility Large Scale II...were characterised in laboratory classical batch experiments for two MC labelled herbicides, isoproturon, (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) and diflufenican (2’,4’-difluoro-2-(@, a, a-trifluoro-m-tolyloxy)nicotinanilide). MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals Isoproturon was uniformly C-labelled on the phenyl...pdfview PDF
Opportunities for Chemical Plant Growth Regulation – Session p202-222...and in particular irrigated sugar cane and paddy rice. Chemical and Physical Properties The compound is chemically 1-/N-(2-phenoxye thy] )-N-propylcarbamoy1/-l!’- imidazole (IUPAC) or N-(2-phenoxye thy] )-N-propyl-lH-imidazole-l-carboxamide (CLA…) and its structure...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 32 p38-end...80 WP Chemical name 4-chloro-5-methylamino-2- (3-trifluoromethyl- phenyl) pyridazin-3(2H)-one Source Sandoz Ltd 3090 Agro Research CH- 4002 Basle Switzerland Information available and suggested uses Information received from the manufacturer in 1973...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 81...or eliminated if the plants are sprayed at the 6 leaf stage, rather than the 3 leaf stage. SETHOXYDIM Code number NP 55, ARD 34/02 Chemical name 2—-(N-ethoxybutyrimidoy] )-5-( 2-ethylthiopropy)--3—hydroxy-2-...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 83...H P o v o d P e P H P H E Plant detector Modes of operation Sequence controller Miscellaneous features Intercom Safety devices H e e N O...pdfview PDF
BCPC WEEDS 2001 VOL 2 Part-5-of-5...x Sole maize – Maize/beans- Sole maize – Maize/beans- farmer practice farmerpractice herbicide herbicide Figure 1. Net benefits of farmer practice and herbicide for weed control in sole maize and...2001pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Systems Projects 305-320...+13 +17 -40 50% -141 -248 -187 -136 S. barley 100% 703 +5 -19 +20 50% -79 -46 -44 -80 S. oats 100% 608 -12 +4 50% +16 +4 -9...pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Molecular Biology and genetics 221-233...immunology and DNA hybridization become more widespread. REQUIREMENTSOF A DIAGNOSTIC TEST An effective diagnostic test must be simple, accurate, rapid and safe to perform, yet be sensitive enough to avoid...pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation