BCPC Knowledge Bank

BCPC’s Knowledge Bank provides access to a wealth of research from past BCPC Congresses and Symposia. This resource contains over 64,000 pages dating back to 1954 through to 2009.

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Found 1537 results
Publication Title.ExcerptPublication dateView/download PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 35...of chemicals no t controlling “suscep- tible’ weeds. Herbicide spraying equipment provided the greatest n eed for modifica- tion. No specialised equipment for aquatic weeds is available commercially and agricultural...pdfview PDF
Insecticide and fungicides Conference Session 7C...the most promising have been tested in the field. The first material tested was maneb, which when applied as a slurry at 1% of seed weight gave emergence comparable to...1975pdfview PDF
Pests and Diseases 2002 Vol1 – Neonicitinoids...reaction of ring systems such as 2-(N-cyanoimino)-1,3-thiazolidine, 2-(N-nitroimino)-1,3- imidazolidine with CCMP (imidacloprid, thiacloprid) or 4-(N-nitroimino)-3-methyl-1,3,5- triazine and -1,3,5-oxadiazine with CCMT (Agro Kanesho, thiamethoxam). The preparation of non-cyclic systemsis possible, e.g....2002pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases Conference 1979 – Resistance and Selectivity Papers 49...OCH9C=CH -OCH70- OCH 9CH=CH 2 -OC (Me) 20- OCH (Me) 9 NMe2 H H NEt2 H OH OH OH 13 H (cis-, trans~) 14 H H Active compounds in the...pdfview PDF
Seed Production and Treatment – Posters p128-138...sownin John Innes No. 2 compost in half seed trays. In the first experiment(experiment |), winter wheat seeds cv. Claire weretreated using a Mini- rotostat with carboxin + thiram, fludioxonil,...pdfview PDF
Anna Morgan – Paddy Vasey P&B 2022...Beneficials Review – 26th January 2022 Decision- making tools Advice Formal training Guidance Peer to peer learning/knowledge transfer Interactive Questions www.menti.com Code: 4907 5510 These will be posted in the...pdfview PDF
Introduction and Spread of Invasive Species – Trade with Beneficials – A Risk...HCLM in Vienna (spring 2004), C. talitzkii already accounted for 1-3% ofall species collected, ranging among the five most commonparasitoid species in the complex ofHCLM. DISCUSSION M. frontalis is one...pdfview PDF
Stream-B-4-Mark-Hall-Regenerative Farming...to build confidence to invest 4. Is it helping me in my day job – YES! The impact is very positive – https://www.syngentagroup.com/en/regenerative- agriculture 5. Are we enjoying it………….? https://www.syngentagroup.com/en/regenerative-agriculture...pdfview PDF
Alpren Defra IPM RandD slides 260123 – BCPC 26th January...advice of using them as trap crop Contact colin.peters@niab.com for more information 8https://www.fwi.co.uk/arable/crop-management/pests/new-advice-on- volunteers-for-tackling-flea-beetle-in-osr mailto:colin.peters@niab.com https://www.fwi.co.uk/arable/crop-management/pests/new-advice-on-volunteers-for-tackling-flea-beetle-in-osr Other related projects • ELM Test and Trial • Led by ADAS, NFU and...pdfview PDF
2015 BCPC Weed Review...e c e m b e r 2 1 5 1 © 2015 Research Information Ltd. All rights reserved. www.pestoutlook.com The BCPC AnnuAl Weed RevieW 2015 – Ken PAlleTT Agency)....pdfview PDF
2016 BCPC Weed Review...with cover crops compared to over-winter stubble over a 6-year period. These benefits are not universal and are dependent on the cover crop itself and are farm- and environment-specific. Cover...pdfview PDF
Field Margins – Wildlife Posters A...of one or more components: ditch, ditch bank, hedge, verge and grass track. A vegetation survey of each component for each of the 131 transects was carried out in 1986...pdfview PDF
Field Margins – Wildlife 2 B...20% of its pre-war abundanceonaverage (Potts, 1986, Marchanter a/., 1991), and has disappeared completely from some areasofthe British Isles (Gibbons er al., 1993). Bag records suggest that numbers of brown...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases Conference 1979 – Soft Fruit and Hops Papers 26-27...Patch lesion assessment in November ) % canes with Mean % Maan, BAGH Mean score®’ Treatment patch lesions (combined Pp i (combined 5 lesion score (angular transformation) results)* results) +...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1978 Vol II p363-392...the potatoes. The results obtained with the most promising products are in- dicated in the Tables. An initially inhibitive effect of ethofumesate on sprouting and shoot develop- ment of potatoes...pdfview PDF
Technical Report Number 2...Stellariaices —- posses & Coften — : PsSateateee eeCera ORES & yeeeeeeS. T™ Eleusine indica=e Cyperus heleES«- Sere BlacKeurrasiT:::-:——… eetees eneee—_, 7 Stavberry—————|…Se i Raspberry -ag—eis—_…….es NB: 3,5-di-iodo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile is ioxynil...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 2...Stellariaices —- posses & Coften — : PsSateateee eeCera ORES & yeeeeeeS. T™ Eleusine indica=e Cyperus heleES«- Sere BlacKeurrasiT:::-:——… eetees eneee—_, 7 Stavberry—————|…Se i Raspberry -ag—eis—_…….es NB: 3,5-di-iodo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile is ioxynil...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 10...a reduction in the volume of compost left for the plant to grow in,for adhering to the thallus is an attendant rhizoid/compost mass. Furtherthe development of a complete thallus cover...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 39 p1-30...OX5 1PF ISBN 7084 0031 HOE 22870 is clofop acid, HOE 23408 is diclofop-methyl CONTENTS SUMMARY INTRODUCTION METHODS AND MATERTALS RESULTS HOE 22870 2-(4-(4′-chlorophenoxy)-phenoxy)-isobutyl propionate HOE 23408 2-(4-(2′ ,4′-dichlorophenoxy) -phenoxy)...pdfview PDF
Lysimeter Studies of the Fate of Pesticides in the Soil – Contents...procedure and test system U. TRAUB-EBERHARD, M. HERRCHEN and W. KORDEL A lysimeter system to determineleaching andvolatilization of C-labelled compounds . R. SCHROLL, U. DORFLER, P. SCHNEIDER and I. SCHEUNERT...pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation