BCPC Knowledge Bank

BCPC’s Knowledge Bank provides access to a wealth of research from past BCPC Congresses and Symposia. This resource contains over 64,000 pages dating back to 1954 through to 2009.

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Found 1445 results
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Gene Flow and Agriculture – The Future p233-246...results suggest that a more integrated crop management should be required. INTRODUCTION After about 15 years of transgenic research carried out by public research teams as well as private companies,the...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1987 Vol II – Herbicide Resistance...gene in transgenic tobacco and tomato plants confers tolerance to bromoxynil. COMMERCIALIZATION OF HERBICIDE-TOLERANT CROP PLANTS Agrochemical company perspective The research and development necessary to generate herbicide-tolerant plants has in...pdfview PDF
Controlled Drop Application p231-247...treatment periods. MATERIALS AND METHODS a) Biological efficiency trials Three commercial scale grower trials were undertaken in the Lea Valley area in early 1975 comparing the following treatments:- 1 Untreated...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases 1990 – Session 3B...Polyphagous predators can be found in most U.K. cereal fields, although there are regional differences in species composition. There can also be large differences in the composition and size of...pdfview PDF
Application and Biology – Physics of Application II...in terms of width of droplet spectrum produced. Low pressure nozzles, for example reduce the driftable component of the spray but increase the large (> 350 um) component. This may...1985pdfview PDF
Field Margins – Wildlife Posters B...forest species to move through farmland. This later point, the corridor effect, is one of the major research topics in landscape ecology. A NEW RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON “BOCAGES” Our current...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference – Vol 2 Session 6E...Babiker, A.G.T. (1993) New approaches to the control of Striga. Striga Research at Purdue University. Agricultural Experimental Station Research Bulletin No. 991, West Lafayette: Purdue University, 24 pp. Lagoke, $.T.O.;...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1987 Vol II – Biology of Seed Weed...is altered, this has to be compensated by confounding it with a cha nge in another determining characteristic. This is made clear i n Fig. 4 which shows, for example,...pdfview PDF
BRITISH WEED CONTROL CONFERENCE 1960 VOL 2 Part-8-of-9...he ASEPTAFABRIEK Ne Vey Amstelveen, Netheriandse HASS, POUL Elias Be Muus, Odense, Denmerke HASSALL, PHILIP Editor, “The Agricultural Merchant”, 58 Mark Lene, London, EeCede HAYHURST, He British Trensport Commission, Research...1960pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2007 4C – Mycotoxins...Standards Agency commissioned Harper Adams University College to develop a UK-specific Code of Practice for the reduction of fusarium toxins in cereals (www.food.gov.uk/foodindustry/farmingfood/fusariumadvice). Europeanlimits for T-2 and HT-2 in cereals...2007pdfview PDF
BCPCWeedsReview Barriers and enablers to IPM adoption 04.11.21www.adas.uk Barriers and Enablers to IPM Adoption – VI IPM assessment plans – ELM IPM T&T project Dr Henry Creissen SRUC Holly Clarkson ADAS http://www.adas.co.uk/ Integrated Pest Management process PREVENT...pdfview PDF
BCPCWeedsReview Barriers and enablers to IPM adoption 04.11.21www.adas.uk Barriers and Enablers to IPM Adoption – VI IPM assessment plans – ELM IPM T&T project Dr Henry Creissen SRUC Holly Clarkson ADAS http://www.adas.co.uk/ Integrated Pest Management process PREVENT...pdfview PDF
Gene Flow and Agriculture – Consequences of between species p169-178...than are commonly assumed in conventional agronomic or forest management systems is, however, unclear (e.g., National Research Council, 1989). Trees present some special complications for assessing risks of transgenics compared...pdfview PDF
Cathryn Lambourn – BCPC Pest & Beneficials Review...physical fungal caterpillar naturally specific apply d e te c ti o n traps knowledge tolerance methods Components required 25 year Environment Plan Agricultural Policy Post Brexit changes Research Intended...pdfview PDF
Sam Cook – Patricia O-R – 2022...1 examined simulated leaf area injury at various levels (0, 25%, 50%, 90%) • Year 2 combined simulated leaf area injury (0, 25%, 90%) with controlled larval infection (0, 1,...pdfview PDF
Seed Production and Treatment – Interpretation and Epidemiology p82-91...Disease Committee Symposium on Seed Health Testing, Ottawa, Canada, 115-125. Ottawa, Canada: Agriculture Canada. www.planthealth.co.uk/downloads/Design_and_interp.pdf Roberts SJ; Hiltunen LH; Hunter PJ; Brough J (1999) Transmission from seed to seedling and...pdfview PDF
Best Practice in Disease, Pest and Weed Management – p24-37...us identify priority research areas, link up with other relevant research andcivil society groups, and plan ourlegal and financial sustainability; e jointly executing research that will stimulate and develop a...pdfview PDF
Bird Problems In Agriculture 1979 – Contents...Jr. Foodselection by skylarks: the effect of a pesticide on grazing preferences R. Green Plant secondary compounds as a chemical defence L. E. Fellows Discussion INDEX CONTRIBUTORS DELEGATES https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Bird-Problems-In-Agriculture-Session-1-2.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Bird-Problems-In-Agriculture-Session-3-4.pdf...pdfview PDF
Plant Growth Regulators for Agricultural and Amenity Use – Contents...Heath CR4 7QG Regulator Group COUNCIL PROTECTION Contents PREFACE PROGRAMME COMMITTEE AND SESSION ORGANISERS SESSION CHAIRMEN ABBREVIATIONS 1. OBJECTIVES AND PERSPECTIVES Plant growth regulator research of the Agriculture and Food...pdfview PDF
BCPC Diseases Review – Mike Grimmer...How to combine: o Mixtures: Fungicide + Fungicide o Pyramiding: Host resistance + Host resistance o Integration: Host resistance + Fungicide + Integration for effective control Fungicide mode of action...pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation