BCPC Knowledge Bank

BCPC’s Knowledge Bank provides access to a wealth of research from past BCPC Congresses and Symposia. This resource contains over 64,000 pages dating back to 1954 through to 2009.

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Found 1537 results
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Insecticide and fungicides Conference Session 6A...of Agriculture, Shebeen El-Kom, Egypt Summary Two insect growth regulators, PH 6038 (1-(4-chloropheyl) -3-(2,6- dichlorobezoyl) – Urea and PH 6040 (1-(4-chlorophenyl) -3- (2,6-difluorob- ezoyl) – Urea were compared in the...1975pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 92 p1-25...PPG 884 1′-(carboethoxy)ethyl 5-[2-chloro-4—-(trifluoro-methyl) phenoxy ]—-2-nitrobenzoate PPG 1259 3-[5-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-isoxazoly1]-4—hydroxy-1- methyl-2-imidazolidinone DPX-M 6316 Methyl 3-(3-(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl ureidosulphonyl)thiophene-2-carboxylate ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCES APPENDIX NOTE The content of this publication, in whole or in part, may...pdfview PDF
Insecticide and fungicides Conference Session 8A...damage incidences for 68 crops of winter rape surveyed in East Anglia during 1974 are summarised in Table 1. These data indicate that compared with physiological factors pollen beetle damage...1975pdfview PDF
The Global Challenge – Sustainable Food Production – Food Safety...Integrated Pest Management(IPM) and ICM practices within the framework of commercial agricultural practice. Producers can now seek EUREPGAP approval through independent verification from an independentverification body approved by EUREP. Food...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1991 Vol I – Small-Grain Cereals...crop competition winning standards, some problems with A. myosuroides and Avena spp. Weeds not tolerated. TABLE 8 – Winter cereals —- *1985 Harvest Winter wheat Winter barley a.i./ha. Cost/ha. a.i./ha....pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1978 Vol I p93-127...baled burnt baled burnt baled burnt -ch +ch -ch +ch ~ch +ch ~-ch +ch -ch +ch -ch +ch Uncultivated 19.1 18.3 8.8 4.7 2769 113 26.3 8.9 28.9 23.0 20.6...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance DMI Fungicides p35-54...test set was scored for sporulating diseased area, and the LD50 of each test isolate was calculated by probit analysis. Standard (wild-type) isolates were included in the sensitivity tests. They...pdfview PDF
BCPC 2021 Neil Havis1 Integrating resistance elicitors into evolving crop protection programmes Dr Neil Havis 22 IPM (or more accurately ICM) https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiklMW5g6nfAhVHblAKHSjED-oQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https://twitter.com/europepan/status/958729662028500994&psig=AOvVaw069k4nSH_OlfCW0E5I-evH&ust=1545210254596475 33 What are elicitors derived from natural products ? • Products...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 24 p23-end...eoeeeens Begbroke S&N Potatoes Winter Wheat Spring Barley Vinter Oats Potatoes Spring Barley Spring Barley Winter Oats Potatoes Winter Wheat Winter Oats Potatoes Hollow Winter Oats Potatoes eaeieateatieiacceenaamenlalamenaaiaiae Spring Barley...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 17 p1-18...lb/ac (3-(2-methy1 phenoxy) pyridazine) Pronamide at 0.25, 1.0 and 4.0 1b/ac oe ee (N~1 ,1-dimethylpropyny1)-3,5-«ighionebentamiae) R 12001 at 0.5, 2.0 and 8.0 lb/ac pa (S-isopropyl 1~(5-ethy1-Oanahylodoantine Yeeebotid cate) Acknowledgements Thanks...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 63 p1-34...SSH-41 is monisuron SUMMARY INTRODUCTION METHODS AND RESULTS SSH-41 CONTENTS 4-(5-t-butylisoxazol-3-yl)-3-methyl urea 30755 4-(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)-4,5-dimethylcarbonamido) imidazole ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCES APPENDIX The corntent of this pt or reproduced provided the are fully acknowledged....pdfview PDF
Seed Production and Treatment – Interpretation and Epidemiology p82-91...Disease Committee Symposium on Seed Health Testing, Ottawa, Canada, 115-125. Ottawa, Canada: Agriculture Canada. www.planthealth.co.uk/downloads/Design_and_interp.pdf Roberts SJ; Hiltunen LH; Hunter PJ; Brough J (1999) Transmission from seed to seedling and...pdfview PDF
WRO Report 08 p62-end...ioxynil* isopropalin* isoproturon* lenacil* mecoprop* metamitron* methabenzthiazuron* metoxuron* metribuzin* nitrofen* oxadiazon* oxyfluorfen* paraquat* pendimethalin* 2-[(1-V-allyloxyamino)butylidene]-4-methoxycarbonyl- 5,5-dimethyl=cyclohexane-1,3-dione methyl (4-aminobenzenesulphonyl)carbamate 2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine 4-chlorobut-2ynyl V-(3-chlorophenyl)carbamate 3-isopropyl-2,1,3-benzothiadazin-4-one 2,2-dioxide ethyl-V-benzoyl-/V-(3,4-dichloropheny!)-2-aminopro- pionate 3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile N-benzyl-N-isopropyl-2,2-dimethy! propionamide N-s-butyl-4-t-butyl-2,6-dinitroaniline D-N-ethyl-2-(phenylcarbamoyloxy)propionamide...pdfview PDF
British Weed Control Conference 1954 – Vol I – Horticulture...has been obtained, In these trials the greatest increase in yield by the treatment has been got by application of 1CO cm) per frame. By early spraying, leee when the...pdfview PDF
Crop Protection in the Developing World – Session 2...and internationallegislation. In the developed world, pesticide use is tightly controlled and practices are generally good. The situation in less- developed countries is often, however, quite different and although some...pdfview PDF
British Insecticide and Fungicide Conference 1961 – Session II...glasshouse in 1960 (Dunning, 1959; Dunning and Winder, 1960, 1961). Seed dressing formulations of systemic insecticides, such as phorate and thiodemeton, have been tested since 1957. Carbon-based seed-dress- ings of...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases Conference 1979 – Vol II- Pheromones Papers 79-80-82...extent of any degradation of its contents or change in composition. This aspect may be of particular value in the case of multi-component pheromones. The composition of the natural pheromone...pdfview PDF
6-Derek-Oliphant-Recent-Dynamics-in-Crop-Protection-Market...-15.0 -3.2 5.2 -3.8 -1.3 0.9 1.3 -0.7 3.6 0.3 1.0 5.4 -4.5 1.6 7.5 -6.6 2.4 5.0 0.8 5.4 11.7 -3.4 -20 -15 -10 -5 5 10 15 V...pdfview PDF
Persistence of Insecticides and Herbicides – Experimental Models 137-158...to characterize the mobility of the pesticides tested. Soil thick-layer chromatography (soil -THLC), described by Gerber et al., (1970), can be considered a compromise between soil-TLC and dry column chromato-...pdfview PDF
Insecticide and fungicides Conference Session 6B...6 (-0.23)) 8 6 (-0.67 } 4-5 ( 1.95 ) (to 0.88 (to 0.79) (to 1.47 G.S.4-5 9 20 ea ) 13 (-0.26 3 (-0.09 ) 15 (-0.13 ) G.S.8-9...1975pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation