BCPC Knowledge Bank

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Found 1537 results
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WRO Technical Report Number 41 p1-34...22870, K1441 is methyldymron, WL29226 is benzglycereth SUMMARY INTRODUCTION METHOD AND MATERIALS RESULTS K 1444 N-(a -dimethylbenzyl)-N’-methyl-N’-phenylurea MEFLUIDIDE N-2,4-dimethyl-5-trifluoromethyl sulphonyl amino phenyl acetamide WL 29226 (2′,6′-dichlorobenzyl) 2, 2-dimethyl-4-ethyl-dioxolan-4-yl methylether EPRONAZ...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 61 p1-32...INTRODUCTION METHODS AND MATERTALS RESULTS R 40244 4-(m-trifluoromethylpheny1) -3-chloro-4-chloromethyl-2- pyrrolidone DPX 4489 2-chloro-N-[ (4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl) aminocarbony1]benzenesulphonamide Acifluorfen Sodium 5-[2-chloro-4-(trifluoromethyl) phenoxy]-2-nitrobenzoate 2-[N-(ethoxyamino)butylidene]-5-(2-ethylthiopropyl)-cyclohexan- 1,5-dione PP 009 Butyl 2-[4-(5-trifluoromethyl-2-pyridyloxy) phenoxy] propionate ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCES APPENDIX...pdfview PDF
Biological Control Opportunities – Diamondback moth...in Central Java and West Sumatra respectively, where cabbage was grown from cuttings and few insecticide treatments were applied. The more commonlyused practice of growing cabbage from seed entailed heavier...1996pdfview PDF
BRITISH WEED CONTROL CONFERENCE 1960 VOL 1 Part-4-of-9...emer- gence as possible to obtain optimum control of winter end spring germinating weedSe Generally, a single application just prior to emergence was cmployed, as many growers used contact herbicides,...1960pdfview PDF
Posters 2021...▪ Compost groups showed the worse disease symptoms when compared with the other 2 soil types (see figure 2, compost group on the far left side). In Strawberry ▪ Ongoing...pdfview PDF
Best Practice in Disease, Pest and Weed Management – p98-111...were permanently applied via glass fibre wicks. After exposition to '“IC]-TNT and '4TC]-RDX overall radioactivity of tree compartments was determined(Biological Oxidizer OX 500, Zinsser Analytik GmbH, Frankfurt/M, Germany). Extractability of...pdfview PDF
2017 BCPC Weed Review...comprised a comparison of non- chemical, chemical and integrated treatment types consider- ing cost effectiveness, carbon footprint and whole life cycle environmental impacts. The non-chemical options included mechanical brushing, heat,...pdfview PDF
WRO Report 10 p51-100...particularly preparations of free phenoxy acids formulated as wettable powders. There is preliminary evidence that these formulations may be slightly more effective than salts. Preparations containing thefree acids are compatible...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases 1990 – Session 9C 15-19 and Session 10...cis-cypermethrin (c-cyper) 219 4′-Hydroxy-c-cyper (4’HO-c-cyper)4 24.3 trans-Hydroxy-c-cyper (tHO-c-cyper)> 24.3 3-phenoxybenzoic aldehyde (PBald) 218 cis-3-(2,2-Dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropanecarboxylic acid (c-Cl2CA) 20.0 cis-3-(2,2-Dichloroviny])-cis-2-hydroxymethy]-2-methyleyclopropanecarboxylic acid lactone (c-Cl2CA-lac)> 19.5 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (PBacid) 18.8 cis-3-(2,2-Dichlorovinyl)-trans-2-hydroxymethy1-2-methyl cyclopropane carboxylic acid...pdfview PDF
WRO Report 05 p1-45...its inception it has played an active role in tropical agriculture in co-operation with the Overseas Development Adminis- tration of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (ODA). Its information role is...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1985 – Session 3B...Alachlor, a herbicide combination for winter oilseed rape. Proc. 1982 Br. Crop Protection – Weeds, 129-134. Gladders, P.; Musa, T.M. (1982) Effects of several herbicides on diseases of winter oilseed...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases Conference 1979 – Vol II- New Compounds Papers 100-102...concentrate and will be introduced commercially in several countries in 1980. Résumé Un nouveau fongicide systémique cis-4-[3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-2- methylpropyl)] -2, 6—dimethylmorpholine (numeros de code Ro 14~3169/000 = LAB 108 406) est...pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Forecasting and Modelling 446-454...Score Fungicide dose 0- 8.0 Nofungicide 8.1- 16.0 1/4 dose 16.1 -240 1/2 dose 24.1 – 34.0 3/4 dose > 34.1 Full dose The decision to apply a fungicide will...pdfview PDF
Weed Control in the Northern Environment – Research 106-120...a field were bulked and mixed on the spot. Two sub-samples were taken back for analysis. The samples were air-dried and kept until the field- work was completed. A mechanical...pdfview PDF
BCPC Conference Weeds 1989 – Session 7B...of grass species charact- eristic of chalk grassland Percentage of species germinating which were characteristic of chalk grassland Percentage_gf all seedlings germ- inating (m ~) which were charact- eristic of...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1974 – Vol II p581-619...suffer severely from competition during its establishment period. The weed species which are most commonly found in winter rape were listed by Hughes (1973) as being volunteer cereals (especially winter...pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2003 – Session 7C Novel and Industrial Crops...issues were also identified across all sectors, including: e Competition from cheap imports e Price: European raw material prices are often not competitive compared with world market prices or fossil...2003pdfview PDF
Global Climate Change – Its Implications for Crop Protection – Contents...and A H COBB G lobal change: implications for crop protection D ATKINSON V Page VI VIII 3 13 33 57 71 83 95 https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Global-Climatic-Change-Preface-Climatic-Change-and-Models.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Global-Climatic-Change-Effect-on-World-Food-Supply.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Global-Climatic-Change-Responses-in-the-Past.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Global-Climatic-Change-Effect-on-Soil.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Global-Climatic-Change-Effect-on-Herbicide-Tolerance.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Global-Climatic-Change-Implications-for-Crop-Protection.pdf...1993pdfview PDF
Research Workers in Pesticide Application – Contents...G. MORGAN Discussion opened by N. G. MORGAN Inf = Informal paper only https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Research-Workers-in-Pesticide-Application-Biological-Requirements.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Research-Workers-in-Pesticide-Application-Invited-Paper-and-Research-Notes.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Research-Workers-in-Pesticide-Application-Ultra-Low-Volume.pdf Granule Application Tailoring to the Requirements of a Granular Insecticide: the Development of Thimet...pdfview PDF
1-Geoff-Sansome-30-percent-protected-land-by-2030...All food % Indigenous type food % 6 https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/united-kingdom-food-security-report-2021/united-kingdom-food-security-report-2021-theme-1-global-food-availability https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/united-kingdom-food-security-report-2021/united-kingdom-food-security-report-2021-theme-2-uk-food-supply-sources https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/united-kingdom-food-security-report-2021/united-kingdom-food-security-report-2021-theme-3-food-supply-chain-resilience https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/united-kingdom-food-security-report-2021/united-kingdom-food-security-report-2021-theme-4-food-security-at-household-level https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/united-kingdom-food-security-report-2021/united-kingdom-food-security-report-2021-theme-5-food-safety-and-consumer-confidence 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% % all food = 60% % indigenous type food =...pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation