BCPC Knowledge Bank

BCPC’s Knowledge Bank provides access to a wealth of research from past BCPC Congresses and Symposia. This resource contains over 64,000 pages dating back to 1954 through to 2009.

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Found 1029 results
Publication Title.ExcerptPublication dateView/download PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1974 – Vol III p1109-1197...segetum Conium maculatum Diplotaxis muralis Jable 9. Common species from rather stable ruderal communities and species with effective wind dispersal whose dormant seeds obviouSly accumulate in the soil Poa pratensis...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1972 – Vol II p632-725...5 2 5 £ 5 S.E. leaf weights at 10 months (all comparisons) SoE. % leaf injury at 1 day (all comparisons) Table 7 Effects of ammonium sulphate and picloram...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1972 – Vol II p726-805...on the barban – triallate – barban treatment. Twice as many A.fatua plants emerged on the control area compared to the first year but were not competitive, produced few panicles...pdfview PDF
British Insecticide and Fungicide Conference 1967 – Vol I p355-460...with sesamex (Table 3). Resistance in flies carrying R3 disappears completely after pre-treatment with sesamex, but increases in flies carrying gene a. Thus synergism and antagonism to the same compound...pdfview PDF
Plant Protection for Human Welfare – Topic 3B...microcapsules is probably the most successful of the controlled release technologies to date used in plant protection. Some commercial products are listed in Table l. Table 1. Commercial plant protection...pdfview PDF
BCPC Diseases Review – Derek Croucher...products would be non-compliant • In a “high” years c. 20% of composite products (breakfast cereals, biscuits etc) would be non-compliant But identification of compliant vs non-compliant products is hugely...pdfview PDF
BCPC Diseases Review – Poster Presentations...Agronomy team E-mail: eithne.browne@niab.com Understanding the genetic basis of Ramularia disease resistance in barley 8th Annual BCPC DISEASES Review 19/10/2022 Laura Roehrig Supervisors: Francois Dussart, Joanne Russell, Kelly Houston, James...pdfview PDF
Stephen Moss BCPC Weeds Review S Moss 3Nov22 widescreen...infestations or ‘high leaching risk’ fields Propyzamide case study: Practical control options alopecurus@aol.com 2019 – 2022 Studies • Resistance status of black-grass in all field trials • Water hardness and...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weed Review 2023 Ken Pallet...companies started their own R&D. The 1980s and 1990s was the peak of new herbicide discovery and commercialisation with the biennial BCPC Weeds conferences playing a role in the launch...pdfview PDF
Stream-A-Lara-Ramaekers-Data-Decision-Tree-for-biocontrol...as 1107 Section 3 Currently designed to assess discrete chemical compounds that is not technically feasible for natural substances that can be complex mixture of compounds Biological property approach, e-fate...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 14 p19-end...sub-apical fragments taken from both the old stock treatments completely failed to grow in the winter. A small experiment in June 1966 compared establishment of rhizome fragments possessing an aerial...pdfview PDF
Biological Control Opportunities – A national biological control programme...It would also reduce duplication of effort. Again, leadership in coordination of biological control efforts is needed. Commercialization of biological control Concern was expressed over commercial (generally, augmentative) agents not...1996pdfview PDF
RGwynn – BCPC Biofungicide Regulation...& fungi Biocontrol technology – multiple modes of action Production of alarm compounds – phytohormone stimulation Stimulation of new biosynthesis of phytochemicals Stimulation of plant defense mechanisms Induction in roots,...pdfview PDF
Pests and Diseases 2002 Vol2 – Biodiversity...able to multiply in the absence of any effective control and cause complete crop failure (van Emden & Peakall, 1996). In each case the solution was found by a combination...2002pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1999 – Herbicides in the Environment...to FOCUSSteering Committee, MemberStates; and ECPA for comment. Working group chairmento present reports to the Working Groupon Pesticides — Legislation. Commentsto be sent by end February 2000to the Commission and...1999pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1999 – Posters – Biodiversity, GM and Environment...row crops is best developed in maize. Weed survey data recordedat a site which include assessments made in winter wheat, maize and in wheat stubble give an almost complete picture...1999pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Wildlife, Education and Training 469-480pdfview PDF
Intergated Crop Protection – Socio-economic and Political Framework 13-23pdfview PDF
Gene Flow and Agriculture – Posters 268-285...limited due to its low competitiveness and susceptibility to several plant pathogens and phytophagous animals. Nearly all beets are wind- pollinated. Thus, gene flow between sympatric cultivated and compatible wild...pdfview PDF
Field Margins – Landscape A...more obvious field boundary structures such as hedges, shelter belts and stone walls are major elements in the landscape, defining features of the countryside we have come to regard as...pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation