BCPC Knowledge Bank

BCPC’s Knowledge Bank provides access to a wealth of research from past BCPC Congresses and Symposia. This resource contains over 64,000 pages dating back to 1954 through to 2009.

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Found 1537 results
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BCPC Pests and Diseases 1990 – Session 7C 1-13...control: C,. = Byy(1 - Po) + ByPo (3) Control based on forecast: C;, = B,,(1 - Po)P;, + ByyPoPy, + Boy(1 - Po)(1 - Py) + BynPot(1 ~ Pi.)...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1997 Vol II – Mode of Action...characterise the nature of this enzymatic conv ersion by carrying out model reactions with BW 78 (5-[4-bromophenylimino]-3,4-tetramethylene-1, 3,4-thiazolidin-2- one)in aprotic solventsin presence ofnucleophiles and a low molecular weight cat alyst....pdfview PDF
Pests and Diseases 2002 Vol2 – Post Grad Posters...blank control presented in random order at 2 min intervals were recorded. EAG responses were normalised using the mean responseto (£)-2- hexenal presented before and after the test volatiles. Data...2002pdfview PDF
Insecticide and fungicides Conference Session 3C...control of nematodes noted in Helminthological Abstracts 1965-74 No. of published papers on experimental use of some nematicides Total Thion— Fensul- Fena- Aldi- Oxa- titles DD EDB DBCP azin fothion...1975pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases 1994 Vol II Session 5A p645-678...test however may be single or multi species, and is the only test in the testing scheme usi ng completely field- based populations. Semi-field tests As with the laboratory tests,...pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2007 5A – New Compounds, Concepts, Uses and Approaches 2...two locations which had the highest pre-treatment nematode community levels. These studies continue at present at these and four other locations. Table 7. Pre- and post-treatment nematode community levels associated...2007pdfview PDF
Pests and Diseases 2002 Vol2 – Oilseeds...changes in pests and diseases and the impacts ofcrop protection treatments and agronomic practices on their control. The long-term national survey of winter oilseed rape diseases has highlighted major changes...2002pdfview PDF
BCPC Weed Control Conference 1968 – p149-207...28 day defolia- tion No defolia- pe tion a, my a FE °pa a a & BB o E & F © ct a eS 59 90 36 59 90...pdfview PDF
Seed Treatment – Challenges and Opportunities – Session 6...Eur. Commun., No. L354, 31.12.94, 16-31 (corrigenda: Off: J. Eur. Commun., No. L280, 23.11.95, 58). EC Commission (1995a). Directive 95/35/EC of 14 July 1995 amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC concerning the...pdfview PDF
Aquatic Herbcides – Session III c...flora of dykes in S. Wales. It is although there are some differences between the species composition , compared with that in Broadland, the con clusions being reached regard- ological...1976pdfview PDF
Aquatic Herbcides – Session III c...flora of dykes in S. Wales. It is although there are some differences between the species composition , compared with that in Broadland, the con clusions being reached regard- ological...pdfview PDF
Air Assisted Sprayng – Physics and Engineering...commercial experiments were carried out – A comparison of results achieved by conventional sprayer, aircraft spraying, and air assisted sprayers. The tests were carried out simultaneously in three different regions...1991pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases 1992 Vol 1 – Session 3A and 3B...obvious combinations of donor and receptor crops for inoculum. Winter wheat is an obvious source of spores for winter OSR and potentially for winter beans, although these are rarely 106...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1997 Vol II – Non-Cereal CropsSESSION 8D WEED CONTROLIN NON-CEREAL CROPS Session Organiser MRM | MAY IACR-Broom’s Barn, Bury St Edmunds, UK Poster Papers 8D-| to 8D-| | THE 1997 BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE- Weeds...pdfview PDF
Fungicide Resistance – Strategies for Managing Resistance I...common infrequent common common common common common infrequent infrequent common TABLE2. Summary of fungicide efficacy against pathogens of wheatandbarley in the UK. Pathogen Disease Mosteffective fungicide group(s) Sepleria witicl Septoria...pdfview PDF
2 – BCPC Weeds 60 years Nov 2023 FINAL for web James Clarke...Council criticised after asking for volunteers to pick weeds https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/23405314.brighton-council- criticised-asking-volunteers-pick-weeds/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/environment/2023/09/04/brighton-hove-green-party-rewilding-eco-policy-dump-weeds/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/environment/2023/09/04/brighton-hove-green-party-rewilding-eco-policy-dump-weeds/ https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/23405314.brighton-council-criticised-asking-volunteers-pick-weeds/ https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/23405314.brighton-council-criticised-asking-volunteers-pick-weeds/ Some selected thoughts from respondents • “Glad I’m retiring!” • We need to change (rotation,...pdfview PDF
Crop Protection in the Developing World – Session 4...practices, along with prize-winning competitions to design posters and protective clothing for use in the field. According to the Kenya Broadcasting Corporationit is the most popular programmein their 40-year history,...pdfview PDF
Seed Treatment – Challenges and Opportunities – Session 4...a good correlation between the PCR test and the traditional agar plate test for M. nivale, (Figure 1). and the PCRtest for T tritici and the current washtest, (Figure 2)....pdfview PDF
Diagnostics in Crop Production – Session 1...partially- prepared or wholly-prepared meals or meal components has concentrated the power to control quality specifications and producerprices into the hands of a very small number of purchasersofprimary agricultural and...pdfview PDF
Managing Pesticide Waste and Packaging – Session 1...be compl ied with by both conventional and innovative types ofpesticide container. Under EU arrangements (Official Journal of the European Commun ities 1997) memberstates need to conduct a comprehensiverisk assessment...pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation