BCPC Knowledge Bank

BCPC’s Knowledge Bank provides access to a wealth of research from past BCPC Congresses and Symposia. This resource contains over 64,000 pages dating back to 1954 through to 2009.

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Found 1445 results
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BCPC Weeds Conference 1985 – Session 3C...subsequent, susceptible rotation crops. INTRODUCTION SD 95481 (trademark, crncH() is a novel herbicide developed by Shell Chemical Company, U.S.A., and Shell International Chemical Company, England, for the selective preemergence control...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases Vol I Session 3C1-11...examined. The experiments were continued for 3 years (1983-86), in which different green manure crop plantings were successfully tested each year. Comparison of tillage practices was carried out only in...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weed Control 1970 – Vol II p817-872...ormulation. Other com pounds were either unreliable or ineffective at selective d oses. INTRCDUSTION Barban ani tri-allate are the herbicides most commo nly used for the control of Avena fatua...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weed Control Conference 1968 – p477-532Proc. 9th Brit. Weed Control Conf. (1968) A PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF THES DIFFERENTIAL REACTION OF PERENNT ITALL RYEGRASS CULTIVARS TO GRASS-KILLING HERBICIDES C. E. Wright Plant Breeding Division, Loughgall, Co....pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases 1992 Vol 3 – Session 9C...The most common commercial cultivar, Hass, was used in all experiments. Tsolations Fruit rot pathogens wereisolated by taking small pieces from the advancing edge of diseased areas and plating onto...pdfview PDF
British Weed Control Conference 1954 – Vol I – Grass and Roadside Herbage...? pe CHEMICAL COMPANY, 1953, “Dalapon’ (Sodium salt), a new plant growth regulator effective on grasses,” = “Dalapon” Bulletin No, 2, Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Mich, DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY, 1953....pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases 1990 – Session 3C 1-8...groundnut. The two viruses therefore spread in nature as a complex. A. craccivora transmits the GRV/GRAV complex in the persistent (circulative) manner, remaining able to inoculate plants for many days...pdfview PDF
Insecticide and fungicides Conference Vol 3 Session 4B...seed are now available. Many birds come into breeding condition in these reception areas and remain there to breed. Others take longer to come into condition and meanwhile begin the...1975pdfview PDF
Insecticide and fungicides Conference Vol 3 Session 4C...y compris les facteurs oecologiques et l es facteurs environnementaux soient difficiles a résoudr e, ils sont rendus plus complexes 2B cause des aspects sociaux et léga ux qui limitent...1975pdfview PDF
Weeds, Pests and Diseases of Grassland and Herbage Legumes Part V and VI...obtained by Sly suggests that 10 times the area of grassland is treated with fungicide compared with pesticide, and more than 100 times the area is treated with herbicides compared...pdfview PDF
Air-Assisted Spraying in Crop Protection – Contents...volume and very low volume spray applications with an axial fan sprayer J. V. CROSS https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Air-Assisted-Spraying-Field-Crops.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Air-Assisted-Spraying-Tree-and-Bush-Crops.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Air-Assisted-Spraying-Covered-Crops-Warehouses-Public-Health.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Air-Assisted-Sprayers-Posters.pdf Caliset: safety and ecology in a holdall U. RAISIGL AND H....1991pdfview PDF
The Global Challenge – Sustainable Food Production – Contents...food supply security E BYUCRTET ..eccsccssecsssssscconssnsesncconsonnennseonserneconscaasonusqnessncesnssai AMIIG TA TITER ER ER MNNET ENG aTTEEMETORTEETN71 Sustainable production and consumption RB HAD asssssssassossscescanssnnssnsvaseessssscsustssssvsvssesunesssesssoncosnsesnsnsnsanavessssusbaseosearseecennnncennnvesnensuascoooscososensnnnesnssanannacssssscosts 81 https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/The-Global-Challenge-Sustainable-Food-Production-Market-Demands.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/The-Global-Challenge_-Sustainable-Food-Production-Production-and-Consumption.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/The-Global-Challenge-Sustainable-Food-Production-Consumer-China.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/The-Global-Challenge-Sustainable-Food-Production-Food-Safety.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/The-Global-Challenge-Sustainable-Food-Production-Meeting-the-Challenge.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/The-Global-Challenge-Sustainable-Food-Production-Industrial-model.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/The-Global-Challenge-Sustainable-Food-Production-Sustainability-A-European-Perspective.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/The-Global-Challenge-Sustainable-Food-Production-Market-Demands.pdf...pdfview PDF
Weeds, Pests and Diseases of Grassland and Herbage Legumes – Contents...3. WEEDS OF ESTABLISHED GRASSLAND — IMPORTANCE AND CONTROL Incidence of weeds in permanent grassland A. HOPKINSand 8. PEEL https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Weeds-Pests-and-Diseases-of-Grassland-and-Herbage-Legumes-Part-I-and-II.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Weeds-Pests-and-Diseases-of-Grassland-and-Herbage-Legumes-Part-III.pdf Thenutritional value of common weeds W. P. BARBER Problems...pdfview PDF
Seed Treatment – Challenges and Opportunities – Contents...McEwan,N D Paveley et G1. . …..sssssssssssssssssssssssssseeessssssneeseessneeseenneeee 1 Session 2 – Insecticidal Seed Treatments Session 1 – Keynote Presentation https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Seed-Treatment-Challenges-and-Opportunities-Session-1.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Seed-Treatment-Challenges-and-Opportunities-Session-2.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Seed-Treatment-Challenges-and-Opportunities-Session-3.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Seed-Treatment-Challenges-and-Opportunities-Session-4.pdf Session 5 Biological Seed Treatments Improving bacterial...pdfview PDF
Predicting Field Performance in Crop Protection – Contents...G Beccio and D P DagaTin ou… eeesssssseteesesssseeesessssseeeees Vi sescessseseesessssseeesees 193 soageavoresernnscunes 197 https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Predicting-Field-Performance-in-Crop-Protection-Posters.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Predicting-Field-Performance-in-Crop-Protection-Session-2.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Predicting-Field-Performance-in-Crop-Protection-Session-3.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Predicting-Field-Performance-in-Crop-Protection-Session-4.pdf Simulating field conditions in a glasshouse environment using ‘soil box’ technology:Part 2. Validation...pdfview PDF
Pests and Diseases Conference 2000 – Session 4A Posters...complete. 1S enough to enable effective decision making in the other components ofthe IPMsystem. The impact of the pest on the yield components ofthe crop is sufficiently well understoodto enable...pdfview PDF
Diagnostics in Crop Production – Session 8...scientific developments in this area and significant, usually commercial, exploitation suggests that within five years the fruits of antibody engineering, antigen understanding and combinatorial libraries for both antibodies and antigens...pdfview PDF
2 – BCPC Weeds 60 years Nov 2023 FINAL for web James Clarke...Council criticised after asking for volunteers to pick weeds https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/23405314.brighton-council- criticised-asking-volunteers-pick-weeds/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/environment/2023/09/04/brighton-hove-green-party-rewilding-eco-policy-dump-weeds/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/environment/2023/09/04/brighton-hove-green-party-rewilding-eco-policy-dump-weeds/ https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/23405314.brighton-council-criticised-asking-volunteers-pick-weeds/ https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/23405314.brighton-council-criticised-asking-volunteers-pick-weeds/ Some selected thoughts from respondents • “Glad I’m retiring!” • We need to change (rotation,...pdfview PDF
BRITISH WEED CONTROL CONFERENCE 1960 VOL 2 Part-6-of-9...that he is using dalapon, but other people are uSing other things Regarding the use of dyes with spray materials, we have knownapplicators demand dye materials, both oil-soluble and water-soluble,...1960pdfview PDF
BRITISH WEED CONTROL CONFERENCE 1960 VOL 2 Part-1-of-9...(1960) in raspberry cane nurseries in Scotland, where 2 and 3 lb/ac kept ground virtually weed-free for over two months, whilst cane growth remained excellent. In Northern Ireland, applications of...1960pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation