BCPC Knowledge Bank

BCPC’s Knowledge Bank provides access to a wealth of research from past BCPC Congresses and Symposia. This resource contains over 64,000 pages dating back to 1954 through to 2009.

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Found 1445 results
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BCPC Weeds Conference 1985 – Session 8A...the trials (except fungicide compatibility) were harvested using modified Claas Compact or Comet combines and yields were corrected to 15% moisture. The formulation of cyanazine + clopyralid used in 1983...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1997 Vol I – Resistant Weeds – Performance and Safety...to use and quicker. SURVEY OF WEED RESISTANCE Materials and Methods Inquiries were made through the networks of several companies. They searched for farmers who were complaining about a poor...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference – Vol 2 Session 6D...Examples are shown of pK, and logP measurementfor a variety of compoundsincluding a series of alkoxyphenols with increasing logP values, glyphosate and carbendazim. This instrumental technique can be used to...pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2005 – Session 8F Horticultural Crops...compound(alcohol, acetate, and aldehyde; Nishida et al., 2003) led to the conclusion that the S. masinissa pheromone was composed of three components; E4,Z6-16:Ald (componentI), E4,Z6-16:0Ac (componentII), and E4,Z6-16:OH (componentIII) (Naka...2005pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1980 – Vol I Session 3C...C. dactylon coverage. Among the various ratios of the two compounds in combination, oxyfluorfen 1.lkg plus dalapon .3) kg was best. It gave 97% control at 80 DAT (with surfactant)...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1972 – Vol II p726-805...grateful thanks are due to Miss A-M. Hitchcock for technical assistance a nd to the many commercial firms for supplying samples of the compounds test ed. This research was carried...pdfview PDF
Pests and Diseases 1977 Vol I p141-261...understanding the relationship between comparative toxicity and anticholinesterase activity of some oxime and aryl carbamates to honey bee (Apis mellifera) and cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis). METHODS AND MATERIALS Insecticides: Compounds...pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2005 – Session 6A...is not done, default levels of 0.01mg/kg will be established for the relevant pesticide/commodity combinations. Competent authorities in memberstates Although not confirmed by EFSA, it seems logical that designated Member...pdfview PDF
2017 BCPC Weed Review...– D e c e m b e r 2 1 7 DOI: 10.1564/v28_dec_08 © 2017 Research Information Ltd. All rights reserved. www.pestoutlook.com THE ANNUAL BCPC WEED REVIEW 2017 Ken...pdfview PDF
BRITISH WEED CONTROL CONFERENCE 1962 VOL 2 Part-1-of-11...is more than a year. Microorganisms can be very specific in the compounds they attack; this is true for example within the alkylphenoxy compounds where 4-CPA, MCPA, 2,4-D and 2,h-DB...1962pdfview PDF
Diagnostics in Crop Production – Session 2...L;Lockhart B E L;Olszewski N E (1990) Properties of Commelina yellow mottle virus’s complete DNA sequence, genomic discontinuities and transcript suggestthat it is a pararetrovirus. Nucleic Acid Research. 18, 5505-5513....pdfview PDF
WRO Report 03...ARC committee to promote and co-ordinate collaborative research between the Grassland Research Institute (GRI), the Radiobiological Laboratory (ARCRL) and the Weed Research Organization. With the approval of this committee a...pdfview PDF
BCPC weeds Conference 1982 – 5 Crop Safening...certain compounds already synthesized, and available on th e shelf. Research biologist Duane Arneklev at Stauffer’s Mountain View, California, Research Center became involved at this point. The testing procedures em...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases 1988 Vol III – Session 9C 11-20...wheat straw) in mushroom compost before composting. Leaf-matter incorporation reduced and/or eliminated the populations of dominant pathogenic/ competitor moulds including, Fusarium solani, Sepedonium sp. and Verticillium fungicola from compost and...pdfview PDF
BCPC Conference Weeds 1989 – Session 5 and 6A...level has been lowered further to fifty percent (1989). These computer-selected treatments have been compared with an untreated control and with a standard treatment: a commonly used mixture of MCPA...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases Vol I Session 3C12-24...Italy. C. INGLESFIELD Shell Research Ltd., Sittingbourne, England J.D. TIPTON Shell International Chemical Company, London, England. ABSTRACT Flufenoxuron is an acylurea compound being evaluated against insects and mites attacking a...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference – Vol 3 Session 10A and 10B...data. Proceedings of a sympesiumin the community programmefor co-ordination ofagricultural research, Pisa 1987, R.J.A- Jones; B. Biagi (Eds.). Commission of the European communities, 12-24, EUR 11151 EN, Luxembourg. Richardson. §.J.;...pdfview PDF
The Worlds Worst Weeds – Prediction and Prevention...4JZ, UK Email: chrisparker3(@compuserve.com ABSTRACT Literature on plant invasion is reviewed. There has been a degree ofsuccessin explaining why someplants are more invasive than others within certain groups of species...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases – Vol III – Posters Management in Arable Crops...al., 1992) and became commercially available in 1996, CGA 279202 with the proposed common nametrifloxystrobin was presented in 1998 (Margot e/ al., 1998). Compared to fungicides already in use, strobilurins...pdfview PDF
Application and Biology – Contents...Field trials with the Girojet M. MOREL https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Application-and-Biology-Innovations-I.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Application-and-Biology-Innovations-II.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Application-and-Biology-Opening-Pesticide-Application-I.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Application-and-Biology-Opening-Pesticide-Application-II.pdf System KS,an electrostatic spraying system — 1984 U.K.trials C..C. PAY Presented as a poster:- Preliminary experiments on the use...1985pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation