BCPC Knowledge Bank

BCPC’s Knowledge Bank provides access to a wealth of research from past BCPC Congresses and Symposia. This resource contains over 64,000 pages dating back to 1954 through to 2009.

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Found 1537 results
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Insecticide and fungicides Conference Session 10...activity of the N*-4-~chloro-2-methylphenyl formamidine and the N?~(2,4-dimethyl- phenyl) compound was similar to that obtained in the tests reported in Table 2. Namely, the N?-(4-chloro-2-methylpheny1) was more ovicidal and the...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases Vol II – OSR and Other Field Crops p772-840...All varieties = -0.54 i 0.05 Early varieties -0.81 0.01 7.25-0.92x Maincrop varieties -0.47 = 0.05 5.92-0.33x All varieties = -0.48 0.01 = 6.3-0.46x The diseases had a greater effect...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1991 Vol I – New Herbicides and PGR Molecules...for MON 13900 in corn and sorghum appearsto be via the conversion of MON 13900 to oxamicacid, (+ )-2-[5S-(2-furyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-oxazolidin- 3-yl]-2-oxoacetic acid, and/or an alcohol, interconversion of the acid and alcohol,...pdfview PDF
Predicting Field Performance in Crop Protection – Keynotes...as will phenotypic analysis in glasshouse andfield. High throughput screening over several targets for 10°-10° compoundsper year demandssignificant computer support for the logistic, assessment and database managementprocesses. Research in computational...pdfview PDF
British Insecticide and Fungicide Conference 1967 – Vol II p461-546...the comple- ment of natural enemies associated with pest species. This is, of course, most appropriate for introduced pest species that have no effective natural enemies. In- troductions of parasites...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases Vol III Session 8C1-17...in figure la. Start -——____—>>[parameters Read: -cost of spraying -expected yield -selling price of grain -wheeling losses: Yes/No -growth stage of crop Read % of stems infested: 1. Sitobion avenae...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases – Vol III – Posters Management in Arable Crops...1998 BRIGHTON CONFERENCE- Pests & Diseases 9D-| Field experience with sitespecific application of fungicides to winter wheat K D Bjerre Danish Institute ofAgricultural Sciences, Department of Crop Protection, Flakkebjerg, DK-...pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2003 – Session 3B Biodiversity...paper compares the competitive impact of different weed species in winter wheat with their role as food sources forbirds and invertebrates. These comparisons indicate species that are nottolerable within fields...2003pdfview PDF
Insecticide and fungicides Conference Session 8B...after application of different compounds Efficacy of different compounds species y ~BHC trichlor- fen- couma- quintio- oxythio- fon thion phos es fos quinox Ps.cun. (+) (+) Ps.ovis – ; Chor.bovis...1975pdfview PDF
Biotechnology and its Application to Agriculture – Session 4 and 5...legal efforts. Where competitive factors make rapid progress essential, extensive use is made of external as well as internal expertise. The development of bovine somatotropin illustrates the complexities and pitfalls...pdfview PDF
WRO Technical Report Number 78 p1-29...OX5 IPF MT-124 is furyloxyfen, RST 20024 H is trimexachlor CONTENTS SUMMARY INTRODUCTION METHODS AND MATERTALS RESULTS MCPA-thioethyl S-ethyl 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxythioacetate MT-124 3-[2-nitro-5-(2-chloro-4-trifluoromethyl phenoxy) phenoxy] tetrahydrofuran Tridiphane (+)-2-(3 , 5-dichlorophenyl)-2-(2, 2,...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases 1992 – Contents...fenzaquin in environmental and crop samples A. R. GAMBIE and J. M. PERKINS Comparative metabolism of [pyridinyl —’*;-methyl] imidacloprid in plant cell suspension cultures J. KOESTER… The environmentaldistribution of hexaflumuron...pdfview PDF
BCPC Pests and Diseases 1986 – Contents...system for rice in West Bengal (India) J.K. GANGWAR,M. K. DASGUPTA,D. C. GHOSH and A. K.S. HUDA vi https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/BCPC-Pests-and-Diseases-Vol-I-Session-1-and-2A.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/BCPC-Pests-and-Diseases-Vol-I-Session-2B.pdf https://www.bcpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/BCPC-Pests-and-Diseases-Vol-I-Session-3A-and-3B.pdf SESSION 3B CAN PESTICIDE DISCOVERY BECOME MORE RATIONAL? Invited...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weed Control 1966 – Contents...rure Dry; Co. Ltd …… -roject iw… 360 The efficiency of weed control in cerccls on commercial farms a. GS. nUGHSS, Letional scricuiturel HUVISOLTY SEIVICE cececccccccccccs ne contre] of -lonecurus...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 1991 Vol II – Packaging, Handling and Disposal of Pesticides...conform. It also opens up a possibility within the European Community for States to circumvent the Community Directive on Waste. The Commission has stated that all current packing materials should...pdfview PDF
BCPC Weed Control Conference 1968 – Vol II p855-964...ay y 99 61 Fiqg.2 The growth dynamics of stem and voot systems (967 Plovghed. Direct dritled Oats 1——- 2 —%——% Whek 2—~ 4» KX~—y» Lupa 5 —-—- 6 %....pdfview PDF
BCPC Weeds Conference 2001 Vol2 Session 8D-9A...S. nigrum C. communis S. nigrum -§* +" -§ +§ -S +§ -S +§ 0.25 20 6 26 1 | 1 27 9 35 2 2 - 2 4 9...pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2003 – Session 4A European Enlargement...REFERENCES European Commission (1997). Agenda 2000: The challenge of enlargement. Volume2. European Commission (1999). European Union enlargement — The widervision starts now. 1998 Review. The CommonAgricultural Policy. European Commission (2002)....2003pdfview PDF
BRITISH WEED CONTROL CONFERENCE 1962 VOL 2 Part-5-of-11...The diquat (1;1′-ethylene- 232′-bipyridylium ion) was applied as the dibromide monohydrate salt and the paraquat (131′-dimethyl-4;4′-bipyridyliun ion) as the di (methyl sulphate) salt, in the main series of treatments 0.1...1962pdfview PDF
BCPC Congress 2007 9A – Invasive species risk analysis...pests according to time, location, and commercial and non-commercial values. They also seek to transform the various qualitative and quantitative estimates into a common dimension, present monetary value, which may...2007pdfview PDF

Supported By
The Chadacre Trust Felix Cobbold Trust The Agrifood Charities Partnership The Perry Foundation The Douglas Bomford Trust Morley Foundation