The new UK Pesticide Guide 2015 – convenient and comprehensive
7th January 2015The UK Pesticide Guide 2015, jointly published by BCPC and CAB International, is the most comprehensive pesticide planning tool you could invest in for the coming spray season. The latest data is available as a printed book and as a convenient online resource plantprotection.co.uk, which can now be accessed on smart phones and tablets. BASIS members will also benefit by earning 2 CPD points when purchasing the book and 3 CPD points for subscribing to the online resource.
“This latest guide contains 433 pesticide profiles making it a substantial and comprehensive book,” comments Mr Martin Lainsbury, editor of The UK Pesticide Guide. “ The future trend though has got to be online and that is why we have been concentrating on developing plantprotection.co.uk. This online resource enables us to run frequent updates, add appropriate Extension of Authorisation for Minor Uses (EAMUs) and include new approvals as they come on stream. Introduced in 2012, it is searchable and much easier to use than the previous version and I thoroughly recommend it,” comments Martin.
“For 2015 the book contains 13 new active ingredient profiles which include one new insecticide for pollen beetle control in oilseed rape but also the loss of 18 profiles from the main section of the book – seven herbicides, eight fungicides, one PGR, one soil fumigant and one rodenticide. Hundreds of new EAMUs are also included which are vital for the production of the less mainstream crops,” says Martin. “Not many new active ingredients are coming through the system at the moment and while we do have new entries for 2015, some people are wondering if the high environmental hurdles that Europe has set for new and existing chemicals is deterring the research companies from developing new products for Europe when registration and profits are easier to obtain elsewhere in the world.”
Copies of The UK Pesticide Guide 2015 are now available priced £49.50 from: BCPC Publications Sales, 7 Omni Business Centre, Omega Park, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2QD UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1420 593 200 Email: publications@bcpc.org. Credit cards are accepted. Secure orders can also be placed online from the BCPC website on www.bcpc.org/shop. To subscribe to the web-based resource priced £65 per year visit www.plantprotection.co.uk