New products and approvals – September 2024
2nd September 2024BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide provides the latest position with regards new entrants and approvals for products approved for use.
The following updates have been made to the UKPG database for September 2024.
Updates to UKPG database September 2024
Note that the following amendments to UKPG will be automatically included in the next edition of the book which is due out January 2025 but they are immediately available in the on-line UKPG database.
New Approvals:
• Albaugh UK has a formulation of prothioconazole + spiroxamine (Dovex, M20974) which mirrors the approval of Helix from Bayer but for use in GB only.
• Globachem has a new approval for Rapsan Solo (metazachlor, M 20983) which mirrors the latest approval of Rapsan Solo from Certis Belchim BV with approval on a range of brassica crops, nursery fruit trees and ornamental plant production and which is approved for use in GB and Northern Ireland.
• Agrocare has added spring wheat and spring barley to their diflufenican + flufenacet product (Boudica, M20939).
• Barclay has a new prosulfocarb product (Taboka, M20994) which mimics the approval of Adama’s Topsail.
• A new supplier has appeared. Moreton Ag, based on the Isle of Man, has a 100:400 g/l diflufenican + flufenacet product (Moreton Blockade, M20991) which has been listed as PAR. It is only approved for use on winter barley and winter wheat. They have no other approvals (yet?).
• Another new supplier is Delsys based in Southampton which has duplicated the Soar (azoxystrobin) approval of Agform with a new MAPP No (M20989). Both these azoxystrobin products are only approved on cereals and do not have the wide range of uses that the Amistar approval carries. Like Moreton Ag above, this is currently its only approved product.
EAMUs added:
• Nicocare (M20932, nicosulfuron) has an EAMU for weed control in sweetcorn.
• Sequoia (M18938, sulfoxaflor) has an EAMU for control of aphids and whitefly on strawberries under permanent protection with full enclosure.
• Botanigard WP (M17054) has an EAMU for treatment of Phorid and Scarid flies in mushrooms under permanent protection with full enclosure.
• Clayton Facet XL (M19724) has an EAMU for control of annual meadowgrass, blackgrass and some broad-leaved weeds in rye and triticale.
• Coragen (M19498, chlorantraniliprole) has an EAMU for control of large pine weevil on ornamentals under permanent protection with full enclosure.
• Infinito (M16335, fluopicolide + propamocarb) has two new EAMUs – one for downy mildew control in lettuce, herbs baby leaf crops etc and on for downy mildew and soil rot in radishes. Both these EAMUs replace EAMUs from 2017 with a later expiry date.
Changes to approval expiry dates: CRD have extended the approvals of a number of products and actives, most of which are detailed below.
• The approval of Majestic and Terminus (maltodextrin, 17240 & 17319) has been extended to 31/1/2026 while Eradicoat and Eradicoat Max maltodextrin, M17121 & 18852) now expire 31/8/2028.
• The approval of Serenade ASO (16139) has been extended by 1 year to 24/7/2026
• The approval of most fluazinam products (e.g. Shirlan, M20198) has been extended to 15/10/2028. Those whose expiry date has not been changed are in the process of withdrawal from the market – e.g. Belchim products that have been replaced by new MAPP Nos for Certis Belchim BV.
• The approval of Shogun (propaquizafop, M16527) has been extended to 31/8/2029.
• Pan Isoxaben 500 (M20865) has been withdrawn with an expiry date of 3/11/2024.
Pic: plenty.r
Every effort has been made to ensure that all information is correct. However, the editors and the publisher do not accept liability for any error or omission in the content, or for any loss, damage or any other accident arising from the use of the products listed therein.