New products and approvals – September 2023
5th September 2023BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide provides the latest position with regards new entrants and approvals for products approved for use.
The following updates have been made to the UKPG database for September 2023.
- Syngenta have decided to downgrade their two formulations of mesotrione + s-metalochlor (Camix and Clarido) to PAR status for 2024.
- Maxim 480FS (fludioxonil) is now approved as a seed treatment for a wider range of crops including cucurbits, squash, tomatoes and endives for control of botrytis when used as a seed treatment.
- Syngenta have upgraded their Universalis product (azoxystrobin + folpet, MAPP20603) to a full entry, indicating that it will be available in 2024. It is approved in Europe for powdery mildew, downy mildew and gray mould control in vines but the UK approval is for use in wheat, triticale and durum wheat. A label is not yet available so disease control claims are not confirmed yet. This mixture is now also approved under the name Amistar Max and I await a copy of the label text.
- Bayer have gained approval for their 100:400 g/l diflufenican + flufenacet formulation under the name Bacara Duo and this is listed as PAR until sales are confirmed.
- Clayton have an approval for dithianon (Clayton Polygon) for scab control in apples and pears which is to be available in 2024 as will their other new products Clayton Florin (fluroxypyr), Clayton RS 200 (metsulfuron-methyl) and Clayton Linaxo (cymoxanil).
- Syngenta’s Evolya (mesotrione) has a new MAPP No with two additional safety precautions – H361 and H373.
- Tachigaren 70 WP is now approved as a seed dressing on fodder beet as well as sugar beet for control of blackleg.
- Sharda have a new registration (Dynamo containing dithianon) for scab control in apples and pears which has been added as PAR until marketing is confirmed. Cropthetics have a similar product – Ditoflo 700 WG which is also listed as PAR.
- Use-by dates for products containing clopyralid have been extended to 31/10/2031 in GB but expiry dates in Northern Ireland are unchanged at either 31/10/2024 or 9/9/2099 according to their current approval.
Pic: Vilseskogen