New products and approvals – October 2024
30th September 2024BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide provides the latest position with regards new entrants and approvals for products approved for use.
The following updates have been made to the UKPG database for October 2024.
Updates to UKPG database October 2024
Note that the following amendments to UKPG will be automatically included in the next edition of the book which is due out January 2025 but they are immediately available in the on-line UKPG database.
New Approvals:
• Syngenta have a water-dispersible granule formulation of Treso (M20792, fludioxonil) for moderate control of Sclerotinia in oilseed rape to complement the Treso SC liquid formulation.
• Syngenta also have an approval for Maxicrop Professional Moss Killer and Conditioner (M21005, ferrous sulphate) which mimics the label held for this product by Valagro (M18514).
• Syngenta have also obtained a new approval for Apron XL (metalaxyl-M) with a new MAPP number of M21027.
• Bayer has a new approval for Liberator (diflufenican + flufenacet) which is now called Liberator XL (M21019) and which now includes winter oats on the label. The dose approved for winter oats mirrors the recommendation for spring barley – 0.3 l/ha applied pre-emergence.
• The question posed about the new supplier Delsys last month has now been answered with approval of their second product – Whip (M20993, diflufenican) which mirrors the Whip product from Agform (M19540).
• Life Scientific have duplicated their approval of LS Spino (spinosad) under a new name and MAPP No – Spinostar (M20999).
• CRD has agreed to remove the restriction that only 20 g/ha prosulfuron can be applied to the same field every three years and this phrase has been deleted from the prosulfuron profile.
• Barclay has yet another 360 g/l glyphosate product (M21010, Garrison) which has been added as a full entry for 2025 but is approved for GB use only.
• Cropthetics have duplicated their cymoxanil product Warlock with a new name and MAPP number – Veludo 450 WG (M20787).
• Gemini has a new prosulfocarb product called Equis (M21025) which mirrors the approval of Defy from Syngenta.
• The approval of Era from Syngenta (M19792, 300 g/l prothioconazole) remains unchanged but now specifies a 35 day harvest interval for wheat, barley, rye and triticale. A minimum of 14 days must elapse between applications to these crops and a minimum of 21 days must elapse between applications to oilseed rape. This stipulation has not (yet?) been applied to other prothioconazole products.
• Nufarm have duplicated their Nuance approval (M18616, tribenuron) with a new MAPP No (M21021). The expiry date of M18616 is now set at 31/3/2026 while the new MAPP No runs until 30/7/2036.
• A new generic supplier from Spain, Qilu Pharma ES has an approval for a spinosad product under the name Qiluspin (M21001) for use in GB only. This is currently their only product approval.
• Corteva have duplicated their Synero approval (aminopyralid + fluroxypyr) with a new name and MAPP No – Runway (M21017) which is used for weed control in amenity grassland.
EAMUs added:
• Spotlight Plus (M19698, carfentrazone-ethyl) has an EAMU for dessication of seed crop linseed in GB only.
• Vayo (M20549, mefentrifluconazole) has an EAMU for control of black rot in table and wine grapes.
• Vintec (M20311, Trichoderma atroviride) has an EAMU for blossom wilt, brown rot, fruit rot and botrytis in cherries and plums.
• Vivid (M17295, pyraclostrobin) has two new EAMUs allowing disease control in outdoor and protected ornamentals.
• Revus (M17443, mandipropamid) has two new EAMUs, one allowing treatment of downy mildew in bulb onions and spring onions in GB and N I, the other allowing treatment of downy mildew in garlic and shallots in GB only!
• Teppeki (M20213, flonicamid) now has an EAMU allowing treatment of aphids in broad beans in GB only.
• Microthiol Special (M20705, sulphur) has an EAMU for treatment of powdery mildew and rust mites in protected aubergines, cayenne peppers, chilli peppers, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes under permanent protection with full enclosure.
Changes to approval expiry dates: CRD have extended the approvals of a number of products and actives, most of which are detailed below.
• The approval of many dithianon products such as Dithianon WG (M17018) has been extended to 31/7/2029.
• The approval of products containing thiencarbazone-methyl such as Conviso One used in ALS-resistant beet (M20035, mesosulfuron-methyl + thiencarbazone-methyl) has been extended to 1/9/2029.
• Azatin (M18301, azadirachtin) is now approved until 31/7/2029.
• The approval of products containing 6-benzyladenine + gibberellins (e.g. M17995, Floralife Bulb 100) has been extended to 15/1/2028.
• The approval of products containing just 6-benzyladenine (e.g. M17523, Configure) has been extended to 15/1/2029.
• The approval of cyflufenamid products such as Cosine, Cyflamid etc. has been extended to 31/12/2029.
• The approval of Deniro and Spandis (M19339 and M19276, dicamba + nicosulfuron + prosulfuron) has been extended to 15/12/2028.
• The approval of propamocarb hydrochloride products such as Proplant and Promess etc. has been extended to 15/12/2027.
• The approval of Evagio Forte and Evagio Plus (M20854 and M20756, amisulbrom + mandipropamid) has been extended to 30/6/2028.
• The approval of Explicit, Rumo and Steward (M18763,M18797 and M18792 indoxacarb) has been reduced to 28/2/2026. It is currently only approved for use in GB.
• The approval of Flexidor (M18042, isoxaben) has been extended to 31/7/2029.
• The approval of products containing metazachlor + quinmerac (e.g. M16766 Katermaran etc.) has been extended to 30/4/2029.
• The approval of Majestik and Terminus (M17240 & M17319, maltodextrin) has been extended again and now runs until 31/8/2028.
• The approval of Nimrod (M18522, bupirimate) has been extended to 31/7/2029.
• The approval of Nissorun SC (M19263, hexythiazox) has been extended to 31/7/2029.
• The approval of Pallene and Voyager (M20525 & 20365, fluazinam + valifenilate) has been extended to 15/10/2028.
• The approval of Pyrethrum 5 EC (M18532, pyrethrin) has been extended to 15/12/2028.
• The approval of Nevada (M19967, florasulam + fluroxypyr) has been extended to 27/1/2028.
• The approval of Agree (M20177, bacillus thuringiensis aizawai GC-91) has been extended in GB to 31/10/2031 while in Northern Ireland it still runs until 9/9/2099.
• While approval for use of mancozeb products runs until 30/11/2025, the approval for sale and distribution expires 30/11/2024 so forward purchase is required soon if you hope to use it in its final year next year.
• Arysta has commercially withdrawn the approval of its cypermethrin products Afrisect 500 EC (M17137), Permasect EC 500 (M17132) and Supersect 500 EC (M17131) with immediate effect and they are no longer authorised for use. Their other cypermethrin products are still approved but approval for use in Northern Ireland expires 30/4/2025 while GB approvals continue until 30/4/2031.
• Clayton has commercially withdrawn the approval of Clayton Haksar (M18305, MCPA) and this product is no longer approved for use.
• Ciech have commercially withdrawn the approval of Lagoon (M17856, MCPA) but approval continues unchanged under the new company name of Qemetica with the same MAPP number until 15/2/2029.
• BASF have commercially withdrawn the approval of Nimbus CS (M16573, clomazone + metazachlor) and the product is no longer approved for use.
Pic: Carron Brown
Every effort has been made to ensure that all information is correct. However, the editors and the publisher do not accept liability for any error or omission in the content, or for any loss, damage or any other accident arising from the use of the products listed therein.