New products and approvals – May 2024
3rd May 2024BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide provides the latest position with regards new entrants and approvals for products approved for use.
The following updates have been made to the UKPG database for May 2024.
New Approvals:
* Syngenta have received approval for their new SDHI fungicide based on Adepidyn technology. The active ingredient is called pydiflumetafen, it will be available in a twin pack with prothioconazole to protect the activity and it will boost disease control in cereals. It has activity against Septoria, Net blotch, Rhynchosporium and Ramularia with some reduction in Fusarium head blight and, since I have received a copy of the label and confirmation of marketing, it is listed in UKPG as a full entry.
* Globachem have a new product containing aclonifen that mimic the claims for Bayer’s Emerger (M19056) on potatoes but is not approved for use in combining peas or field beans like the Bayer product. It duplicates the Chanon (M20612) approval sold by Certis Belchim BV and has been added as PAR to the database.
* Clayton has renewed their approval of Clayton Gatso (clethodim) under a new MAPP number (M20896) which is approved for use in GB only. Northern Ireland has Clayton Gatso approved until 30/11/2025 under MAPP No 20434. They have also renewed Clayton Roulette (cyflufenamid) for GB use only as MAPP 20895 while in Northern Ireland it continues as MAPP 19908 until 30/9/2025.
* Syngenta have duplicated their novel mix of amisulbron + mandipropamid in Evagio Plus (M20756) under a new name of Evagio Forte (M 20854) and both are currently entered as PAR until marketing is confirmed and a label is received.
* Syngenta also have a new approval for fludioxonil which as Treso SC (M20864) is approved for one application to oilseed rape up until the end of flowering. No other fludioxonil products are approved in oilseed rape and the timing suggests activity against sclerotinia but that is yet to be confirmed and it is currently listed as PAR.
* Novastar has duplicated its two products containing folpet (Folpex and Hermes) under new MAPP Nos for GB use only which have a longer approval until 31/1/2032.
* Nufarm now has its own formulation of prothioconazole (Joust, M20860) but it is marginally stronger than the 250 g/l formulations at 257.7 g/l and is limited to two full applications to each crop with a lower dose (0.6 l/ha rather than 0.8 l/ha) on barley and oats. It does allow treatment of triticale at 0.8 l/ha with a max dose of 1.6 l/ha though. A plus point is that there is no LERAP B classification.
* Cropthetics has two new products containing metamitron – Metafix (M20893) and Promungu (M20891) which are approved for weed control in red beet, sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels with rates identical to Goltix Gold (700 g/l SC). Both are currently listed as PAR until marketing is confirmed.
* Albaugh has duplicated its Mcoy (folpet, M20801) with a new name – Axentum (M20908) for disease control in wheat, barley and triticale and added a third folpet to their portfolio with the approval of Multivo (M20907) which mimics Axentum and Mcoy.
* Pan Agriculture continue to renew their parallel approvals for use in GB with a new MAPP No for CF-50 and Laquna (cyflufenamid) which are now also listed as M20849 and M20905 and approved for use in GB only up until 1/9/2027 and 9/10/2027 respectively. They also have a new MAPP No for Coronam (dimethomorph) M20906 and Pan Isoxaben 500 (M20865) both valid for use in GB only.
* Rainbow Agrosciences have added to their product portfolio of one with an approval for Ripvia (spinosad, M20842). Their other product is Weedclear, a 200 g/l fluroxypyr product.
* Life Scientific have promoted their product Flexure (250 g/l prothioconazole) in their April newsletter and so it has been promoted to a full entry.
* Bayer now have approval for the use of Silvron Xpro (M19384) on barley but the claims for disease control are just moderate control of Rhynchosporium and net blotch.
* Finchimica have a new 500 g/l flufenacet approval (Sirionova, M20764) which can be used on winter wheat and winter barley pre-emergence only.
* HMpG GMBH have many new approvals. These are Cyflufen EW (cyflufenamid, M 20898) valid for use in GB only to complement their current approval for use in Northern Ireland (M20122); Flaza 250 (flazasulfuron, M20899) allowing treatment of non-crop land and railway tracks in GB only; Infinity (M20900, prothio + trifloxystrobin); a GB only approval for Lever (M20920, cyprodinil + fludioxonil); a GB only approval for Manpro (M20903, mandipropamid); Mesiodos OD and Mesiothyl OD (M20904 & M20921, iodosulfuron + mesosulfuron) for GB only. They also have a pendimethalin approval for GB only (M20923, Pendi P).
* Gemini has a new approval for straight difenoconazole (Airmid, M20874) that mirrors Plover and it is listed in UKPG as PAR.
* Chem-Wise have a new approval for Chellist (clethodim, M20925) approved for use in GB only for use on sugar beet and oilseed rape.
* Capital CP has an approval for their pyraclosytrobin product (Orbit TL, M20917) for use in GB only.
* Detia have a new MAPP number for Phostoxin (M20915) approved for GB and Northern Ireland with the approval lasting until 28/2/2029.
* Terrechem have renewed their parallel approval products Silk 750 (M20909, chlormequat) and Tatler (M20927, metsulfuron-methyl) for GB use only.
* BelCrop have a new ethofumesate product (Spiculus, M20879) for use in Northern Ireland only and it is only approved for use on fodder beet. Other ethofumesates are usually also approved for use on mangels, red beet and sugar beet.
EAMUs added:
* Botiga (mesotrione + pyridate, M19759 and M 20304) have EAMUs allowing application for weed control in sweetcorn in both GB and NI.
* Velum Prime (fluopyram, M18880) has an EAMU allowing treatment of ornamental plant production (flower bulbs) for free-living nematodes.
* Nemguard DE (garlic extract) has EAMUs for nematode control in bulb onions, garlic, leeks, shallots, fodder beet and red beet in GB only.
* Dual Gold (S-metolachlor, M14649) now has a raft of new EAMUs allowing control of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds in brassicas, bulb onions, chicory, endives, forest nurseries, ornamental plant production, garlic, shallots, red beet, swedes, turnips, herbs, dwarf French beans, runner beans, strawberries, peas and sweetcorn in GB only. Separate EAMUs have been issued allowing use in Northern Ireland but approval and the EAMUs expire 23/7/2024 whereas approval in GB currently extends to 31/1/2031.
Changes to approval expiry dates: CRD have extended the approvals of a number of products and actives, most of which are detailed below:
* Products containing s-metolachlor (Camix, Clarido, Clayton Smelter, Dual Gold and Efica 960 EC) are about to expire in Northern Ireland where the expiry date is now 23/7/2024 but approvals of these products are set to continue in GB except Clayton Smelter which currently expires 30/6/24.
* The approval of Prev-Gold (orange oil for insect pest control in chillies, peppers and tomatoes under permanent protection with full enclosure) has been extended to 30/9/2026.
* The approval of Recital (fluopyram + prothioconazole, M17909) has been extended to 15/2/2028.
* The approval of Enstar, Holster XL and Mascot Crossbar (2,4-D + dicamba + fluroxypyr, M 20811, M16407 and M16454) has expired in Northern Ireland but been extended to 30/6/2025 in GB only.
* The approval of Hinode (flonicamid, M19135) has been extended to 25/9/2026.
* The approval of Architect (mepiquat + prohexadione + pyraclostrobin, M19728) has been extended to 15/3/2028.
* The approval of Elassos and Maxentis in NI (azoxystrobin + prothioconazole, M20858 & M20811) has been amended to 30/6/2027.
* The approval of Helix and Hint (M18289 & M19727, prothio + spiroxamine) has been extended to 15/2/2028.
* The approval of Insignia (M19403, pyraclostrobin) has been extended to 15/3/2028.
* The approval of all flutolanil seed dressings (Rhino DS et al) has been extended to 15/12/2027.
* The approval of Vivid 200 (M17295, clethodim) has been extended to 15/3/2028.
* The approval of Cyflamid Plus (M19845, cyflufenamid + spiroxamine) has been extended to 30/6/2026.
Pic: Mike Mozart