New products and approvals – July 2024
1st July 2024BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide provides the latest position with regards new entrants and approvals for products approved for use.
The following updates have been made to the UKPG database for July 2024.
Updates to UKPG database July 2024
Note that the following amendments to UKPG will be automatically included in the next edition of the book which is due out January 2025 but they are immediately available in the on-line UKPG database at https://www.bcpc.org. The approval of all the ‘old’ parallel approved products has now expired. Some but not all have now been replaced by more recent approvals with different MAPP numbers which generally run until October 2027 and these are listed in the on-line UKPG database.
New Approvals:
•Novastar’s Buffalo (M20380, difulfenican + flufenacet) is now also approved for use on spring barley and spring wheat in addition to the winter crops, albeit at just one application of 0.3 l/ha.
•Agrocare have an approval for fluroxypyr (M20931) that mimics other fluroxypyr products but does not have durum wheat on the label.
•Life Scientific have added Linseed to the list of approved crops on their Laya label (M19016, metsulfuron-methyl).
•Agrocare have gained an approval for azoxystrobin (Azoxycare, M20960) that mirrors the recommendations of Amistar which brings their total product list to 13.
•Fine Agrochemicals have a new product name approved for their prohexadione growth control treatment for use in apples. Cherries and pears. The new name is Corto (M20962).
•Adama have confirmed their intention to market Chrome (M20796, chlorotoluron + diflufenican + flufenacet) and Ethosat 500 (M20605, ethofumesate) during 2025.
•Bayer have a new name approved for Alernator Met which is Cadou Met (M20970, diflufenican + flufenacet + metribuzin) for weed control in winter barley and winter wheat. They have added to their portfolio of 100:400 g/l diflufenican + flufenacet products with the approval of Asset (M20965), Expert (20964), Movon (M20967), Proteam (M20968) and Rainbow (M20966). They also have a new product that seems identical to Swift SC which is called Twist (M20958, 500 g/l trifloxystrobin) which is approved for use in sugar beet and red beet unlike the barley of Swift SC. It should be effective against rust but I await a label to see if any other claims are made.
•Gemini also have a 100:400 g/l new diflufenican + flufenacet product in Rift (M20969) but this is only approved on winter barley and winter wheat. It does not include use on spring barley and spring wheat like the Bayer products above.
•Albaugh UK has a new glyphosate product – Dominator 360 TF (M20971, 360 g/l glyphodate) which mirrors the label of Landmaster 360 TF.
•Globachem have renewed the approval of their metazachlor + napropamide + quinmerac product Torso which now has three MAPP numbers, the longest of which runs to 30/6/2029.
EAMUs added:
•Frutogard (M19015, potassium phosphonates) has EAMUs allowing treatment of protected herbs and outdoor bulb onions for control of downy mildew in GB and N I.
•Frutogard (M19015, potassium phosphonates) has EAMUs allowing treatment of outdoor garlic, shallots and specified protected leaf crops (baby leaf crops, cress, endives, landcress, purslane, red mustard, rocket and spinach beet) for control of downy mildew in GB only.
•Insyst (M19873, acetamiprid) has an emergency approval for use on suger beet up until 6/9/2024 in GB only for control of peach-potato aphid.
•Magna SL (M19496, lalaic hydrazide) has an EAMU allowing treatment of garlic and shallots for sprout suppression.
•Afinto (M19622, flonicamid) has an EAMU for aphid control in Dwarf French beans, edible podded peas and runner beans.
•Frutogard (M19105, potassium phosphates) has an EAMU for downy mildew control in outdoor and protected ornamental plant production.
•Magna SL (M19496, maleic hydrazide) has an EAMU for sprout suppression in carrots and parsnips.
Changes to approval expiry dates
•As of 30/6/2024 the approval of all the parallel approved products for use in both GB and N I has expired. Many have been replaced by specific approvals for use in N I and since January a number of specific approvals for use in GB have been approved. These all have different MAPP Nos from the original products but have the same name.
CRD have extended the approvals of a number of products and actives, most of which are detailed below.
•The approval of Univoq (M19930, fenpicoxamid + prothioconazole) and Aquino & Questar (M19711 & M19713, fenpicoxamid) has been reduced to 31/8/2025. However, other approved names of these actives are approved until 11/4/2031.
•The expiry dates of Dynamec, Killermite and Smitten (M18316, M20845 and M20843, abermectin) have been reduced to 31/10/2025.
•The approval of Zorvec Endavia (M20370, benthiavalicarb + oxithiapiprolin) has been extended to 3/9/2029.
•The approval of Orondis Plus (M19305, oxathiapropilin) has been extended to 19/7/2026.
•The approval of myclobutanil products (M19532, Fruitful and M19160, Systhane 20 EW) has not been extended by CRD and both products will expire during 2024.
•The approval of the clethodim products Gauntlet (M20568) and Bucaneer (M20413)has been extended to 30/11/2028.
•The approval of some products containing prothioconazole + trifloxystrobin (Jager, Mobius and Titania) has been amended to 15/2/2028.
•The approval of the insecticide Botanigard WP (M17054) has been extended to 30/3/2028.
•The approval of Stefes Prosulfocarb (M19359) and four other prosulfocarb products currently listed as PAR (Atlas Pro 800, Jolt, Partenope 800 and ProStar) have had their approval reduced to 31/12/2024 and therefore will not be included in the 2025 edition of UKPG.
•Nova Research has commercially withdrawn approval for Mitecide (M20594, bifenzate) and the approval now expires 30/11/2024.
•Products containing isopyrazam, all from Adama, e.g. Bontima, Prizm, Symetra et al, expired for sale in N I on 11/5/2024 and are now restricted to use in GB only. Final use-up date in N I is 11/11/2024 but all are now listed as PAR (Products also Regisrtered) in UKPG.
•Floramite (bifenzate) has been withdrawn for sale in NI but continues in GB until 31/1/2032.
Pic: Scottish Government