New products and approvals – July 2023
3rd July 2023BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide provides the latest position with regards new entrants and approvals for products approved for use.
The following updates have been made to the UKPG database for July 2023.
- More mesotrione products such as Basilico (M19927) have been re-authorised with a reduction in the dose rate from 1.5 l/ha to 0.75 l/ha.
- Helm have a new approval for 100 g/l diflufenican + 400 g/l flufenacet called Hallig which can also be applied to spring barley and spring wheat unlike the 200 + 400 g/l Hallig Extra which can only be used on winter barley and winter wheat.
- The expiry date of many trinexepac formulations and products containing triclopyr have been extended to 15/6/2027.
- The expiry date of many pyrimethanil formulations has been extended to 15/9/2027.
- Maxim 480 FS, a flowable seed treatment containing fludioxonil, is now approved for use on the seeds of protected crops of aubergine, courgette, cucumber, peppers and chilli peppers, endives, lettuce, melon, pumpkin, summer and winter squash and watermelon.
- Emergency approval granted for Movento (spirotetramat) for aphid control in non-Cruiser treated sugarbeet where a third application is required after Insyst/Afinto and Teppeki have already been used.
- Revystar XE (fluxapyroxad + mefentriconazole) is now approved for use on sugarbeet for disease control – probably at least rust and powdery mildew.
- The expiry date of phenmedipham products has been extended to 15/8/2027.
- The expiry date of captan products has been extended to 15/5/2027
- The expiry date of products containing flufenacet + metribuzin (+/- diflufenican) has been extended to 30/4/2026 – a 3 month extension!
- The expiry date of most fenpicoxamide products has been extended to 11/4/2031 – a 5 year extension
- The expiry date of folpet products has been extended to 15/8/2027
- The expiry date of ethephon + chlormequat products has been extended by 4 months to 31/5/2026 and ethephon products to 15/5/2027
- Spring barley and spring wheat have been added to the approved crops for Clayton Facet (diflufenican + flufenacet)
- The expiry date of metribuzin products has been extended to 15/8/2027
- The expiry date of some products containing dimethomorph has been extended to 15/8/2027
Pic: David wright