New products and approvals – August 2023
1st August 2023BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide provides the latest position with regards new entrants and approvals for products approved for use.
The following updates have been made to the UKPG database for August 2023.
- BASF have gained approval for mefentrifluconazole in managed amenity turf under the product name Maxtima but until a label is available and marketing confirmed, it is listed as PAR.
- De Sangosse has gained approval for a potassium phosphonates product (Pygmalion) on spelt, triticale and winter wheat. In France it is approved for Septoria control in wheat and mildew control in potatoes but the UK label is not yet available so it is currently listed as PAR. BASF have a similar product approved for scab control in apples and pears.
- Nufarm have a new approval for their 660 g/l ethephon product called Camposan which seems identical to their Ephon Top Camposan is currently listed as PAR in UKPG.
- Clayton has a new approval for fluroxypyr called Clayton Florin which mimics their Clayton Flurry This has been added as PAR to UKPG.
- Alburgh have a new approval for azoxystrobin called Diagonal Gold which mimics their current product Oxe. This has also been added as PAR in the database.
- Boscler (boscalid) has a new EAMU for disease control in poppies grown for seed production and for morphine production.
- Hurricane (diflufenican) has a new EAMU allowing weed control in celeriac, parsley root, parsnips and red beet.
- InSyst (actamiprid) has a new EAMU permitting control of aphids and bruchid beetle in broad beans, French beans, runner beans, edible podded peas, vining and combining peas.
- Microthiol Special (sulphur) has a new EAMU for powdery mildew control in combining peas, vining and edible-podded peas.
- Albaugh UK have adopted the approvals of Spekfree, Toledo and Ulysses from Rotam (all straight tebuconazole products) and will be selling them in 2024 under new MAPP numbers. This follows the acquisition of Rotam by Albaugh.
- The option to apply 1.0 or 0.5 l/ha of Alternator Met or Octavian Met (diflufenican + flufenacet + metribuzin) has been amended to just 1 application of 1.0 l/ha up to fifth tiller stage (GS25). Previously the 1.0 l/ha rate could be applied up to end of September while the 0.5 l/ha rate could be applied up to end of November.
- Clayton has gained approval for a straight cymoxanil product (Clayton Linaxo) for blight control in potatoes and it has been added to UKPG as PAR until marketing is confirmed.
- The expiry date of several clopyralid + florasulam +/- fluroxypyr has been extended to 31/10/2031 in GB only. The expiry date in N I is unchanged. Some N I products are approved up to 9/9/2099 while others expire 31/10/2024.
- The expiry date of straight prothioconazole products has been extended to 15/2/2028. Mixtures containing prothio have been amended as appropriate for the other constituents.
- The use of Touchdown Quattro (glyphosate) has been extended to include pre-emergence treatment in a range of crops to supplement the existing pre-harvest recommendations.
Pic: MUExtension417
Pic: David wright