New products and approvals – April 2024
3rd April 2024BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide provides the latest position with regards new entrants and approvals for products approved for use.
The following updates have been made to the UKPG database for April 2024.
New Approvals:
* BASF have gained approval for four products that contain a capsule suspension of cinmethylin + picolinafen which are called Agardia (M20857), Luxigard Opti (M20769, Sovorna (M20853) and Terridan (20770). Luxinum Plus (straight cinmethylin) was always recommended to be used in mixture with another effective graminicide to protect the mode of action and now a suitable mixture is available in one can. Each of these four products applies 500 g/l cinmethylin but they all apply different amounts of picolinafen. Note that all these products are approved for use in GB only and are not approved in Northern Ireland. They are currently listed in UKPG as PAR while I await confirmation of marketing and copies of the approved labels.
* FMC Agro have a new approval for Calibre Max SX (thifensulfuron + tribenuron, M20826) with the formulation changed from 33.3:16.7% w/w to 40:10% w/w and the single dose allowed increased from 60 g/ha to 100 g/ha. It is listed as PAR until I receive confirmation of intention to market and a copy of the label to list the weed susceptibilities which may have changed. Note that winter oats are now included in the list of crops approved.
* Origin has a new approval for folpet (Cleancrop Cactus, M20806) which includes triticale on the label as well as wheat and barley. It is currently listed as PAR until intention to market is confirmed.
* Origin also has a new approval for prothioconazole + spiroxamine (Crick, M20817) which can be used in GB only and which mirrors the approval of Helix from Bayer.
* ProKlass has duplicated their Dualitas approval (tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin) for use in N I with a separate MAPP No that is approved for use in GB only. They are used for disease control in amenity grassland and managed amenity turf.
* The old approval of Eagle (amidosulfuron, MAPP 16490 sold by Interfarm) has been commercially withdrawn and is no longer listed by CRD. The later MAPP Nos for Eagle (M18902 and M20708) continue to be approved.
* Adama has gained approval for a new name for their Maxentis (azoxystrobin + prothioconazole) product. The new name is Kojami which as MAPP 20840 is approved for GB use only and, as MAPP 20859, is approved for use in N I only. Both have been added as full entries to complement the Maxentis approval which is only approved for GB use.
* Syngenta also have two new azoxystrobin + prothioconazole products called Elassos – one (M 20830) for GB only and the other (M20858) for N I only.
* The approval of Memphis (M 20659, halauxifen-methyl + pyroxsulam) has been specified as for winter crops only and has a 6m buffer zone requirement.
* Bayer has gained an approval for straight propamocarb hydrochloride (Previcur Flex, M20861) which is only approved for use on potatoes and which mirrors Raport (M20536) from Syngenta but Previcur Flex currently has a longer approval date. Both are listed as PAR in UKPG until marketing is confirmed and a label is received.
* Albaugh has a new approval for Primero (M20810) which replaces the Rotam product of the same name and which contains nicosulfuron. They have also confirmed that their formulation of folpet (Mcoy, M20801) will be marketed this spring and it is entered in UKPG as a full entry product.
* Albaugh also has a new product combining florasulam and fluroxypyr (Clyde FX, M20771) which has less florasulam (1.0 g/l) and more fluroxypyr (144 g/l) than similar mixtures. It is also approved for use on rye, triticale and winter durum wheat as well as wheat, barley and oats.
* The approval of Spatial Plus (M16665, chlormequat + ethephon) has been withdrawn. It is no longer listed on the CRD web site and has been deleted from UKPG.
* Corteva have a new herbicide for use in managed amenity grass called Trophy XL which contains fluroxypyr + halauxifen-methyl and it has been added to UKPG as PAR until a label is received and marketing is confirmed. They also have a new fungicide mixture – proquinazid + prothioconazole (Verben, M20780) which is approved for use on wheat, barley, triticale and rye and which should be very effective against powdery mildew. It is currently listed as PAR until I receive a copy of the label and can enter to full label claims.
* Corteva also have a new fungicide mixture for blight control in potatoes. Called Zorvec Entecta (M 20856) it contains the novel fungicide mix of amisulbron + oxathiapiprolin. It is currently listed as PAR in UKPG until intent to market is confirmed and a label text is received.
* Clayton have a new approval for Clayton Tassel (M20850, mesotrione) where the application rate on forage and grain maize has been reduced from 1.5 l/ha to 1.0 l/ha.
* Clayton also has an approval for Clayton Tendril (M 20782, prothioconazole + spiroxamine) which mirrors the recommendations for Bayer’s Helix.
* Clayton has a new approval for folpet (Clayton Utah, M20870) that mirrors the approval of Clayton Canyon SC.
* BASF has two products containing flufenacet + pendimethalin – Crystal (M 13914) and Crystal S (M 19586). Crystal S approval is set to expire 30/6/2024 but is being replaced by two new MAPP numbers – M 20067 for N I only and M 20852 for GB only. Both are parallel approvals imported from Germany.
* Pan Agriculture has another approval for Dime (M 20837 dimethenamid-P + pendimethalin) which is a parallel imported from Romania and which is approved for use in GB only. They also have new MAPP numbers for Vanguard (pyraclostrobin for use on managed amenity turf) with M20474 for use in N I only and M20846 for use in GB only.
* Albaugh UK now have an approval for folpet (M20801, Mcoy) which mirrors the approval of other straight folpet formulations and can be used on wheat, barley and triticale.
* UPL Europe has gained an approval for straight metconazole (Cavern, M20823) that mirrors the recommendations of Caramba 90 from BASF.
* Life Scientific have gained approval for an Atlantis OD mimic which they have called LS Mesoiodo 10 OD (M20819) and it has been entered as PAR in UKPG until marketing is confirmed.
* The use rate of Raikiri (M20718, mesotrione) has been reduced from 1.5 l/ha to 1.0 l/ha on grain and forage maize.
* Clayton have a new approval for Clayton Midas (cyflufenamid, M20894) for use in GB only which extends the approval to 30/9/2026.
* BASF have a new approval for Kopis (prohexadione, M20828) which extends the approval to 30/6/2026.
* Life Scientific have a new fluxapyroxad product (LS Fluxa 59.4, M20880) that mimics the recommendations of Bugle and a similar product (LS Fluxapyroxad, M20881) that mimics Imperis XE and Imtrex, also from BASF. They also have a combination of fluroxapyrad + metconazole (LS Fluxa-Metco, M20886) that mimics the recommendations of Vastimo and Wolverine from FMC. They also have a new spinosad product (LS Spino, M20882) that mirrors the uses of Tracer.
EAMUs added:
* Apron XT (metalaxyl-M) now has an EAMU for control of damping off in carrot and parsnip seed in GB only.
* Cleancrop Alicante (fluazinam) now has an EAMU for use on potatoes grown for seed to control powdery scab but this use has a 13m aquatic buffer zone requirement whereas use in maincrop potatoes has only a 6m requirement.
* Debut has three new EAMUs allowing use on red beet, ornamental plant production, chicory root and endives.
* Force ST (M19042) has two new EAMUs allowing dressing of salad onions and leek seed to control bean seed fly in GB only.
* Romeo (cerivisane M19170) has an EAMU for use on chillis and peppers under permanent enclosure with full protection for control of Botrytis and powdery mildew.
* Safari Lite (lenacil + triflusulfuron-methyl) has EAMUs for broad-leaved weed control in fodder been in GB and, under a separate number, in Norhern Ireland but the Northern Ireland approval expires 20/8/2024.
* Vertipin (M19508, sulphur) has been granted an EAMU for control of downy mildew and powdery mildew in broad beans, combining peas, edible podded peas, mange tout peas and Vining peas despite the reduction in the length of the approval (see below).
* Apollo SC (M17187, clofentezine) now has EAMUs allowing use on forest nurseries, ornamental plant production, hops in propagation, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and protected strawberries for the control of various mites. Separate EAMU numbers apply to the use in GB and Northern Ireland.
* Apron XL (metalaxyl M) has an EAMU allowing treatment of red beet seed to prevent damping off.
* Effeckt (ethofumesate) has an EAMU allowing two applications to bulb onions, garlic and shallots to control blackgrass and a range of broad-leaved weeds.
* Emerger (aclonifen) has an EAMU for use in asparagus.
* Gazelle SC (M20034, acetamiprid) has an EAMU for pesrt control in courgettes and summer squash (including protected crops) and in cucumbers and gerkins under permanent protection with full enclosure.
* Shift (M18881, cyprodinil + fludioxonil) has EAMUs allowing control of botrytis in bulb onions, garlic, shallots and chicory in forcing sheds.
* Teppeki (M20213, flonicamid) has an EAMU for control of aphids and lettuce root aphids on outdoor and protected crops of lettuce and endives grown on organic media only. This specifically excludes crops grown on artificial media such as rockwool.
Changes to approval expiry dates: CRD have extended the approvals of a number of products and actives, most of which are detailed below:
* The approval of flonicamid products from Cropthetics (Alkazam, Kibera and Velmeri) has been extended to 25/9/2026
* The approval of buprofezin (Applaud SC & WP) has been extended to 15/6/2028.
* The approval of products containing cyflufenamid (Cosine et al) has been extended to 30/9/2028 while cyflufenamid + spiroxamine (Vegas Plus) has been extended to 30/11/2028.
* The approval of Croupier OD (fluroxypyr + metsulfuron-methyl) has been extended to 30/6/2027.
* The approval of Raxil Star (fluopyram + prothioconazole + tebuconazole barley seed treatment) has been extended to 15/2/2028.
* The approval of Luna Privilege and Velum Prime (fluopyram) and Luna Sensation (fluopyram + trifloxystrobin, M20716) on protected strawberries has been extended to 31/12/2028. The approval of Luna Sensation (M 15793) which is approved on protected chilli pepper in addition to protected strawberries has not been extended and currently expires on 31/3/2025.
* The approval of Pallene and Voyager (fluazinam + valifenalate) has been extended to 31/3/2027.
* The approval of Univoq (fenpicoxamid + prothioconazole) has been extended in GB until 11/4/2031. This mixture of actives is not approved in N I.
* The approval of Vendetta (azoxystrobin + fluazinam) has been extended to 30/6/2027.
* The approval of Vivax (chlormequat + ethephon) as MAPP 16682 has been withdrawn and is no longer listed by CRD. Vivax as MAPP 18901 continues until 31/5/2026.
* The approval of clofentezine products Apollo 50 SC and Acaristop 500) has been extended to 30/6/2030 in GB but is set to expire on 11/11/2024 in N I.
* The approval of products containing benzovindiflupyr (Aprovia Plus, Ascernity, Ceratovo Plus, Elatus Plus, Kavatur Plus, Tesanto and Velogy Plus) has been extended to 2/9/2028.
* The approval of some bixafen products (Ascra Xpro, Jettano and Silvron Xpro) has been extended to 30/11/2027.
* The approval of products containing mepiquat chloride (Canopy, Caryx, Medax Top & Terpal) has been extended to 15/4/2028.
* The approval of products containing mecoprop (e.g Charge, Duplosan KV etc) has been extended to 15/11/2027.
* The approval of Cyclone CS (M20639, lambda cyhalothrin) has been extended to 30/9/2028.
* The approval of Maccani (dithianon + pyraclostrobin) has been extended to 28/2/2027.
* The approval of Debut in GB has been extended to 30/6/2031 but, since the EU is withdrawing the approval of triflusulfuron, the approval in N I expires 20/8/2024.
* The approval of products containing metsulfuron-methyl has been extended to 30/9/2028.
* The approval of Circle (trinexepac-ethyl, M20805) has been extended to 15/6/2027. The expiry date for Circle (M18381) remains at 12/9/2025.
* The approval of Clayton products containing prothioconazole + tebuconazole (e.g Clayton Finch, Clayton Navaro, Clayton Pontoon, Clayton Proteb, Clayton Trellis and Elatus Era from Syngenta) has been extended to 15/2/2028.
* The approval of Barclay’s Open (M19677, florasulam + fluroxypyr) has been extended to 1/8/2026.
* The approval of Vertipin (M19508, sulphur from Action Pin) has been reduced by one year to 15/10/2027.
* The approval of Caligula (M19297, fluopyram + prothioconazole) in Northern Ireland to 15/2/2028 where its use is restricted to potatoes. The GB approval of Caligula (M20108) is unchanged at 31/7/2031 where it can also be used on sugar beet. The approval of Propulse (M17837, fluopyram + prothioconazole approved for use on oilseed rape) has also been extended to 15/2/2028.
* The approval of Clayton Florin (fluroxypyr) has been extended to 30/6/2027.
* The approval of Eradicoat Max (maltodextrin, M18852) has been extended to 31/8/2028.
* The approval of Valentia (M19595, florasulam + fluroxypyr) has been extended to 1/8/2026.
Pic: Open Grid Scheduler