New BCPC Manual supports growth in the biocontrol market
17th June 2014Food security is one of today’s most pressing challenges. Pests, diseases and weeds can cause as much as 40% crop losses before harvest and over 10% post-harvest. For the past 60 years or so control has been by the use of conventional chemical pesticides. Now we are seeing biocontrol technologies for crop protection, within well managed and sustainable integrated pest management (IPM) programmes. Initially the focus has been in horticulture and in field vegetables, but now new technologies are being developed for application in field and row crops.
New in print
“In 2011 the global biocontrol market was valued at $1.3 billion and, with an estimated growth at over 15% per annum, it is predicted to reach $3.2 billion by 2017,” says Dr Roma Gwynn, editor of The Manual of Biocontrol Agents. “Much of this growth has been due to an increasing focus on alternative crop protection solutions to controlling pests, weeds and diseases and with growing regulatory constraints on conventional pest control methods.”
“It is timely therefore that, due to the maturing biocontrol industry and markets, BCPC has launched the new unique and comprehensive fifth edition of The Manual of Biocontrol Agents. Compiled by experts in the biocontrol industry this is theessential reference tool for all those interested in sustainable pest, weed and disease control,” recommends Dr Gwynn.
The new edition contains details of all active substances or organisms that are available commercially in at least one product. This edition consists of over 200 commercially available active substances including macro-organisms, micro-organisms, botanicals and semiochemicals each detailing: active substances, modes of action, key data on mammalian, ecological and environmental toxicology, target crops and pests and products available.
Online – comprehensive and flexible
BCPC has also developed an online version of The Manual of Biocontrol Agents which, with no limitation on space, provides users with additional information on the products. In addition, with the immediacy of the internet, the online version is updated throughout the year to reflect major changes and regulatory impacts in the sector. It has also been developed for user-friendly access on different devices, including smartphones.
Attractive purchase options
BCPC now offers attractive purchasing options on The Manual of Biocontrol Agents.
- a combined package of the printed The Manual of Biocontrol Agents 5th edition plus the online resource at a 30% discounted price of £350 + VAT.
- an annual subscription to the online resource priced £295 + VAT.
- The Manual of Biocontrol Agents 5th edition priced £195. Price includes 24-hour trial access to the online resource.
For further details or to place an order contact: BCPC Publications Sales, 7 Omni Business Centre, Omega Park, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2QD UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1420 593 200 Email: publications@bcpc.org. Credit cards are accepted. Secure orders can also be placed online from the BCPC website on www.bcpc.org/shop.
Online resource subscriptions can be made by visiting bcpcdata.com/mba.
Notes to editors
The Manual of Biocontrol Agents
ISBN 978 1 901396 87 4
Hardback 304 pp June 2014