BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide – New products and approvals March 2025

3rd March 2025

Updates to UKPG database February 2025

The surge of new approvals continues this month with a wave of new EAMUs allowing treatment of the less widely grown crops. Some of the new EAMUs are for the new approvals for glyphosate that transfer the approved names from Monsanto to Bayer so do not add to the list of options available to growers but the others will be welcome additions to the armoury.

New Approvals:

  • Life Scientific has duplicated their clopyralid product Leash with a new name and MAPP No for use in GB only. It is call Medira (M21180) and is currently listed as PAR.  They have also duplicated their lambda-cyhalothrin product Lambdastar under a new name – Amicus (M21179) and their spinosad product LS Spino under the new name of Minder (M21147).
  • Sharda now has a Shogun mimic in Ready (M21164, propaquizafop) and a propamocarb product (M21240, Precise) that mimics Promess and so is approved for use on protected Brassica crops before transplanting.
  • Bayer continues to transfer the Monsanto glyphosate products to new registrations under the Bayer name with new MAPP Nos. The new approvals are still valid until 9/9/2099 while the old approvals now have a final date of 31/1/2029.  Products duplicated this month are Azural, Roundup Biactive, Roundup Biactive GL, Roundup Energy, Roundup Flex, Roundup Klik, Roundup ProVantage XL and Roundup Sonic.  Also transferred are Egret, Liaison, Mentor, Motif, MON 79351, MON 79545, MON 76473, MON 79991, Monosate G, Monsanto Amenity Glyphosate, Monsanto Amenity Glyphosate XL, Ovation, Rodeo, Roundup Metro XL, Roundup Powermax, Roundup Star, Roundup Vista Plus, Roundup Pro Biactive, Roundup ProVantage, Roundup Ultimate, Samurai and Scorpion.

Bayer has also extended the range of crops that can be treated with Serenade ASO in GB only (M21020, Bacillus subtilis) which now includes outdoor strawberries and lettuce, apples and pears, table and wine grapes, oilseed rape and both maincrop and seed potatoes.

Other duplications from Bayer are that Prosaro (125:125 g/l) and Kestrel (160:80 g/l) containing prothioconazole + tebuconazole are now also approved as Pevi (M21216) and Versacto (M21236) respectively and Cello (prothioconazole + spiroxamine + tebuconazole) has been duplicated as Silvacur Trio (M21238). These are currently listed as PAR in the database.

  • Corteva has duplicated its new grass herbicide Prograss (fluroxypyr + halauxifen + triclopyr) which was announced last month under the new name Cardinal (M21182) and which will probably be used for market segmentation. Corteva has also confirmed that it will be marketing Manhatten (M21091, florasulam + halauxifen + pyroxsulam) and Broadway Ultra (M21144, mesosulfuron + pyroxsulam) so both have been upgraded to a full entries.
  • Gemini has now added spring barley and spring wheat to the crops approved for treatment with their diflufenican + flufenacet product Feud (M18384).
  • FMC Agro has also added spring barley and spring wheat to the crops approved for treatment with their diflufenican + flufenacet product Navigate (M18950) but while the Gemini product can only be applied pre-emergence to spring barley, Navigate is allowed up to the 4 leaf stage.
  • BASF has duplicated their Signum product under a new name – Elestein (M21226, boscalid + pyraclostrobin) which is approved for disease control in brassicas, currants, peas and field beans, lettuce and strawberries. It is currently entered as PAR in the database.  BASF has also duplicated its Revydas (M20774, boscalid + mefentrifluconazole) under the new name of Brelyco (M21253) but while Revydas is approved on oats, rye, triticale and wheat, Brelyco is only approved for use on oilseed rape!
  • Albaugh UK has transferred Rotam’s Ossetia (diflufenican) approval to Albaugh under the same name and expiry date but now with the MAPP No M21243. This transfer has also been done with the nicosulfuron product Templier which now also has the MAPP No 21224 and with Kaltor (dicamba + nicosulfuron, M18749 & M21234).  They have also duplicated their 200 g/l fluroxypyr product Norget (M21243) which now runs until 15/8/2029 and the exclusion period for grassland is now only 3 days unless groundsel is present.
  • Agrovista has gained two approvals for folpet under the name Profi Folpet (M21183 & 21184) which suggests two different sources for a parallel approval.
  • Barclays has a new spinosad product (M21198) which mimics the Level Up (M21163) product mentioned in last month’s pesticide notes since the approval holder of this product is Qilu from Spain. Clayton also has an approval for this product that is called Clayton Artifact (M21202) that also comes from Qilu.  All are only approved for use in GB.
  • Clayton has a new approval for cyazofamid that mirrors Ranman Top. The new product is called Clayton Topgun (M21237) and is currently listed as PAR in the on-line database.
  • Turbodisque (ferric phosphate, M19144) now has a recommendation for use in potatoes added to the approval with the harvest interval of all crops set at 1 day.
  • Globachem has increased the range of crops that can be treated with Chanon (M20612, aclonifen). Previously it was only approved for use pre-emergence on potatoes but now it can also be used on winter crops of durum wheat, barley, rye, triticale and wheat.  The dose in potatoes is 1.75 l/ha but the dose in these cereals is only 1.35 l/ha.
  • Syngenta has extended the range of crops on the Levee label (M19848, benzovindiflupyr + prothioconazole) to include rye, triticale, barley and wheat


EAMUs added:

  • Percos (M19700, dimethomorph) has 3 EAMUs in GB and 3 EAMUs in NI for downy mildew control in outdoor and protected ornamentals, table and wine grapes and hops.
  • Privest (M20742, ametoctradin + potassium phosphonates) has 2 EAMUs allowing control of downy mildew in table and wine grapes and outdoor & protected herbs, baby leaf crops, chives, cress, endives, parsley, red mustard, spinach, spinach beet, lettuce, lambs lettuce and edible flowers.
  • Shield Pro (M20156, clopyralid) has 20 EAMUs on a range of crops which are valid for GB use only. These 20 EAMUs have now been duplicated for use in NI only with different EAMU numbers and these are given under the EAMU entry for GB use.
  • SL567A (M20652, metalaxyl-M) has two EAMUs allowing control of cavity spot in parsnips and Phytophthera in asparagus.
  • Teppeki (M20213, flonicamid) has an EAMU for control of carrot willow aphid and peach potato aphid in outdoor celery.
  • Vintec (M20213, Trichoderma atroviride) has an EAMU for control of phome, botrytis, blossom wilt, leaf blight etc in protected and outdoor ornamentals.
  • Apron XL (M14654 & 21027, metalaxyl-M) has an emergency EAMU for control of damping off in carrot and red beet seed valid in GB only. The EAMUs expire 31/7/2025.
  • Emerger (M19056, aclonifen) now has an EAMU allowing pre-emergence application to solonaceous trap crops from DeCyst to control a range of dicotyledons. The EAMU currently runs until 31/1/2028.
  • Force ST (M19042, tefluthrin) has two emergency EAMUs allowing treatment of salad onion and leek seeds pre-drilling for control of bean seed fly. They are valid for use in GB only and run until 31/10/2025 and 7/7/2025 respectively.
  • Gazelle SG (M20034, acetamiprid) has an EAMU allowing treatment of aphids and many other insect pests in outdoor and protected forest nurseries during the period 1st April to 31st
  • Gnatrol (M20471, Bacillus thuringiensis) has an EAMU allowing treatment of chironomid midges in watercress in GB with a separate EAMU covering this use in Northern Ireland.
  • InSyst (M19873, acetamiprid) has an EAMU allowing treatment of fodder beet for black bean aphid and Mysus persicae. One application per year is allowed prior to 31st
  • Itcan SL 270 (M21161, maleic hydrazide) has two EAMUs allowing one application per crop for sprout suppression in garlic, shallots, carrots and parsnips.
  • Microthiol Special (M20705, sulphur) has an EAMU allowing treatment of vining peas, combining peas and edible-podded peas for powdery mildew.
  • Primero (M20810, nicosulfuron) has an EAMU allowing treatment of sweetcorn and sweetcorn grown under plastic mulches for control of annual meadowgrass and a range of dicotyledon weeds.
  • Roundup Biactive (M21222, glyphosate) has 8 EAMUs allowing general weed control around a range of fruit trees, rhubarb, asparagus, various currents and berries, grapevines, farm forestry, game cover, hemp, woad, hops and as a desiccant for poppies grown for morphine production.
  • Sequoia (M18938, sulfoxaflor) has an EAMU allowing treatment of aphids in a range of herb crops under permanent protection with full enclosure.


Changes to approval expiry dates:  CRD has extended the approvals of a number of products and actives, most of which are detailed below.

  • The approval of Albis from Certis (M20160, pyraflufen-ethyl) has been reduced from 9/9/2099 to 31/1/2029 but Nichino has a new approval for Albis (M21181) which still runs until 9/9/2099 so Certis may swap to the new approval soon. There is no difference in the label recommendations.  The same changes and new approvals have also been made to Gozai and Kabuki.
  • The approval of Carpovirusine and Carpovirusine EVO 2 (M15243 & M17565) has been extended by one year to 9/12/2026.
  • The approval of Menno Florades (benzoic acid) from Brinkman and from Agrovista has been extended by one year until 21/4/2027. Menno Florades from Fargro is still due to expire 21/4/2026.
  • The approval of Prolectus (M18891, fenpyrazamine) has been extended in GB until 30/6/2028 but withdrawn from NI with final use by 15/7/2026.
  • The approvals of Custodia (M16393) and Seraphim (M16248) comprising azoxystrabin + tebuconazole have been extended until 15/2/2029.
  • Racing TF from Nufarm (metsulfuron-methyl + thifensulfuron-methyl) was approved until 9/9/2099 but this has been reduced to 31/7/2026 with a new approval issued under a new MAPP number (M21026) which runs until 30/9/2028.
  • The approval of Starane Hi-load (M16557) has been extended to 15/8/2029.
  • Sugar beet growers will be pleased to learn that the approval of Betesana SC (M14209, phenmedipham) has been extended by almost 2 years to 30/3/2029.
  • The approval of Nexy 1 (M19347, candida oleophila) used for disease control in apples and pears has been extended until 30/11/2029 in NI but reduced to 30/6/2026 in GB.
  • The approval of AQ10 (M19968, Ampelomyces quisqualis) which is used for powdery mildew control in protected crops has ben extended by 1 year to 9/3/2027.
  • The approval of Chanon (M20612, aclonifen) has been extended to 30/4/2029.
  • The approval of InSyst (M19873, acetamiprid) has been greatly extended to 31/8/2035.


  • Prolectus (M18891, fenpyrazamine) has been withdrawn from sale by Sumitomo and is no longer approved for use.
  • Clayton Devoid (M18252, metamitron) approval has expired 28/2/2025 and has been deleted from the database.

Pic: David Gray

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