BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide – New products and approvals February 2025
3rd February 2025Updates to UKPG database February 2025
The UKPG 2025 is now published so the changes listed below will not be in the new edition but they are entered in the Online UKPG database. There has been a bumper crop of new approvals as you will read in the details below. Either all the registration departments of the various companies have been very busy or perhaps a log-jam at CRD has been cleared.
New Approvals:
• Corteva has gained approval of a novel herbicide mixture for use in winter wheat and winter triticale. It contains mesosulfuron-methyl + pyroxsulam and is called Broadway Ultra (M21144). It is currently entered as PAR while we await a copy of the label and confirmation of intention to market. Corteva also has two new herbicides for use in grassland. ProClova XL contains amidosulfuron and the new to UK active florpyrauxifen which has previously been used in rice. ProClova XL (M21165) is claimed to be clover-safe and the other new grass herbicide is ProGrass which contains fluroxypyr, halauxifen and triclopyr (M21097). Both are to be available this year with ProClova for use in GB and NI while ProGrass is restricted to GB only. After a launch event by Corteva both are listed as full entries in the Online UKPG database.
Corteva has also duplicated their Pastor Trio product under a new MAPP Number (M21145, clopyralid + flufenacet + fluroxypyr) for GB use only and approval extends to 31/10/2031 like the current product (M19937) which is approved in GB until 31/10/2031 but which is approved for use in NI until 9/9/99! Dingo (clopyralid, florasulam + fluroxypyr) is also duplicated with a new MAPP No – M21146 – for use in GB only until 31/10/2031. A further duplication is Gartrel (M16828 & M21151, clopyralid + florasulam) with the new MAPP No approved until 31/10/2031 but M16828 reduced to 31/7/2025! Both are approved for use in GB only.
• Adama has duplicated their new product Maganic which contains difenoconazole + prothioconazole under the name Pyradra (M21106) with both only approved for use in GB. Crops on the label are rye, triticale, barley, wheat and winter oilseed rape. Adama has also duplicated all their folpet products under the same name and expiry date but with a new MAPP Nos – Arizona (M15318 & M21116), Colorado (M19346 & M21115), Lamast (M19140 & M21117), Mirror (M18866 & M21108), Mojave (M19349 & M21119) and Sesto (M20766 & M21118). Adama has duplicated its new fungicide mixture of fluxapyroxad + prothioconazole under the new name of Vizanti (M21125) so both this and Avastel added last December are listed as PARs until labels are available.
• Agrii now has its own clethodim product in Nyasi (M21138) for grass weed control in winter oilseed rape and sugar beet. Agrii also has its own ethofumesate (M21127, Belarra) and its own 320 g/l phenmedipham (M21185, Cleancrop Indigo) which mirrors Adama’s Shrapnel and both of which are currently entered as PAR.
• Agrovista now has its own aclonifen product in Profi Aclo SC 600 (M21080) which mirrors Emerger from Bayer and can be used pre-emergence on potatoes, combining peas and field beans. Agrovista also has its own Menno Florades product (M21131, benzoic acid) for control of bacteria, fungi and viruses in crop handling structures.
• Bayer has a new fungicide mixture in Praxium (M21149, fluopyram + isoflucypram + prothioconazole) which is approved for use in wheat, oats, barley, rye, spelt and triticale in GB only. It has been promoted on the website Farming Online and so is listed in the database as a full entry. Bayer also havs two new 360 g/l glyphosate products in Roundup ProActive XL (M21187) and Roundup ProVantage XL (M21188) which simply adds ‘XL’ to the Monsanto product name and transfers the approval to Bayer. Note however that the approved dose rates for each use have increased and while asparagus and potatoes are lost from the labels, farm forestry has been added. More glyphosate transfers to Bayer are coming through. The company has duplicated its new product Challenge Plus (M21008, aclonifen + diflufenican + flufenacet) under a new name and MAPP No – Mateno Star (M21174) with both currently listed as PAR until intention to market is confirmed and a label text is available. Bayer has also added winter oats to the Liberator label (M15206, diflufenican + flfenacet) with one application of 0.3l/ha being permitted.
• Clayton has duplicated its folpet product Clayton Canyon SC under the new name Clayton Dale (M21154). It is approved for use in barley, wheat and triticale in both GB and NI. Clayton also has 3 approvals of propaquizafop for use in NI only but one (Clayton Satchmo, M20336) expires at the end of May 2025 and has now been replaced with Clayton Satchmo EC (M21160) which is approved until 28/8/2029 and which is approved for use in both NI and GB. They have also duplicated their cymoxanil product Clayton Linaxo under a new name – Clayton Cyborg (M21134).
• Life Scientific has duplicated its Difenostar product under a new name and MAPP number – Snaffle (21078) which are both approved for disease control in Brassica crops and oilseed rape. Life Scientific has also duplicated its mesotrione products under a new name – Medelo (M21132). Life Scientific has gained a straight bixafen product – Bixastar (M21166, bixafen) which is approved for use on barley in GB only and a mimic of Propel Xpro (bixafen + prothioconazole + spiroxamine) called LS Bix-Pro-Spiro (M21167), both of which are for use in GB only. The company now also has a straight 250 g/l prothioconazole in Plaudit (M21136). Also newly approved is bixafen + prothioconazole product for GB only (M21176, LS Bixa-Prothio) that mimics Bayer’s Siltra Xpro. Life Scientific has duplicated its Cintac product under the new name of Fracas (M21126, iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium + mesosulfuron-methyl). At 10+30 g/kg it is stronger than Atlantis OD which is 2+10 g/l. Also duplicated under a new name is Niantic (M18217, 6+30g/kg) under the new name Murcia (M21142), Kibota (clodinafop-propargyl) under the new name Scabbard (M21124) and Zonor (tebuconazole) as Therix (M21130). Life Scientific has an Aviator Xpro 235 mimic in LS Bixa Prothio 75 160 (M21141) which is only approved for use in GB and which lacks the approval in oilseed rape that Aviator has. Another new product for Life Scientific is Taron (M21173) a 250 g/l trinexepac-ethyl approved for use in GB and NI. Life Scientific’s Atlantis mimic is called Cintac and this has been approved under a new MAPP No (M21204) which is approved until 30/9/2034 while the old registration (M18222) now expires 31/7/2026. Previously it ran until 9/9/99!
• Shandong has a straight 250 g/l prothioconazole product (M21018, Inmar) that mimics Innox from BASF. Shandong also has a mimic for Helix (M21168, Vinkeno – prothio + spiroxamine) and Prosaro (M21055, Pintray – prothio + tebuconazole). Shandong also now has a 90 g/l metconazole product for use in GB only (Nomita Xtra, M21203) which suggests that the company may have intentions to market but, until labels are available, they are listed as PARs.
• Globachem has a Bellis mimic in Estafette (M21050, boscalid + pyraclostrobin) which is approved for disease control in apples and pears and it also has a Helix mimic in Padelli (M21028, prothioconazole + spiroxamine) which might make it to market via Certis but which is currently listed as PAR.
• Barclay Chemicals has duplicated its prosulfocarb product – Takoba (M20994) under a new name of Spannit (M21098) for weed control in potatoes, winter wheat and winter barley.
• Certis has gained approval for its own Itcan 270 SL (maleic hydrazide, M21161) approved for use in bulb onions and potatoes which will eventually replace M19807 which they currently market.
• Agform Ltd has changed its name to Agform Technologies and is duplicating some of its products with new MAPP Nos under the new company name but with some changes to the expiry dates. Axe (trinexepac-ethyl) is now M19595 & M21152, Hopper (diflufenican + flufenacet) is now M19579 & M21156, Marauder (diflufenican + flufenacet) is now M20697 & M21153, Prothiolux (prothioconazole) is now M19642 & M21157 and Surform (tebuconazole) is now M19548 & M21158. Other products are either not duplicated or already approved under the Agform Technologies name. The company also has a new straight metamitron in Nanotron (M21172) which allows a maximum dose of 3.0 l/ha – higher than e.g. Goltix SC which is limited to 2.0 l/ha. Both products have a maximum total dose of 5.0 l/ha before the crop meets between the rows.
• Sharda has a Blaster Pro mimic called Pastisha (clopyralid + triclopyr, M20730) for weed control in grassland and amenity grassland but it is only approved for use in GB. Sharda also now has an approval for straight bixafen in Beach (M21148, 125 g/l bixafen) which mimics Bayer’s Inception (M19962) and is thus approved for use on barley, wheat, oats, triticale and winter rye.
• Syngenta now has a pyrimethanil approval – (Chorus Next, M21107) which is used for botrytis control in apples, pears, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. It mimics Pyrus 400 SC from Arysta. Syngenta has also amended the approval of Miravis Malt (M21129, pydiflumetafen) in GB to just spring and winter barley with all the other cereal crops on the original approval deleted. With ‘Malt’ in the name this makes some sort of sense.
• UPL Europe now has its own boscalid product in Lozzare (M21104) which is approved in GB only for disease control in oilseed rape. The company has gained approval of a Helix mimic called Patton SPX (M21109, prothioconazole + spiroxamine) and now has its own approval of orange oil for pest control in protected chillis, peppers and tomatoes (Sinala Ultra, M21137).
• Qilu, a Spanish company, has gained approval for Lookup (M21163, spinosad) which mimics Tracer (M12438) from Landseer but which is only approved for use in GB.
• Gemini has a new 430 g/l tebuconazole product (M21139, Tanto) which mirrors Ulysees from Albaugh and has been entered as PAR. Gemini has also gained approval for a deltamethrin product (Delta, M21150) which contains 25 g/l deltamethrin and mimics Decis Protech but with the addition of ornamental plant production and protected cucumbers, tomatoes and ornamentals on the label. Decis Protech is a 15 g/l formulation.
• VextaChem has duplicated the ethofumesate product V-Sate 500 SC currently held by Agrii (M21110 & M20714) with both currently listed as PAR.
• Nufarm has duplicated it Accurate Extra product with a new MAPP No (M21059) and the expiry date has been amended to 30/9/2028 while the old product (M19608) now expires 30/6/2026. Nufarm has also duplicated its Bolt and Paramount Max products (florasulam + tribenuron-methyl) under the new names of Supreme Max (M21143) Fragma Max (M21169).
• Douglas has re-registered sulfuryl floride gas under a new MAPP No – ProFume, M21186 but the new approval lacks the use on transport vehicles that the old approval had and so now the only use is for fumigation of crop handling and storage structures.
• JT Agro has gained approval of a 60 g/l metconazole product called Aradeo (M21178) for use in GB only but which is approved until 30/10/2030 – longer than other metconazole products which generally expire 15/9/2027.
• Fargro has a new bacterial soil fungicide in Tri-soil (M20800, Trichoderma atroviride strain I-1237) which can be used pre-planting on a range of Compositae root and herb crops. It is entered as a PAR product until a label is received from Fargro.
• Sipcam has a new approval for Ferrex (M19138, ferric phosphate) with potatoes now included in the approval and all crops now require a 1 day harvest interval. Previously no latest time of application was stipulated.
EAMUs added:
• Firecloud (M18175, flufenacet) has a new EAMU for control of annual meadow-grass and blackgrass in rye and triticale which duplicates previous EAMUs for Firecloud and so the earlier EAMUs have been deleted from the database.
• Force ST (M19042, tefluthrin) has an EAMU for control of bean seed fly in bulb onions and shallots.
• Frupica SC (M12067, mepanipyram) has 4 new EAMUs for use in GB and four EAMUs for use in NI allowing treatment of forest nurseries, outdoor and protected ornamentals, courgettes and summer squash and protected aubergines, cucumbers and tomatoes under permanent protection with full enclosure for control of botrytis and powdery mildew. The expiry dates are 31/10/31 in GB and 20/5/25 in NI.
• Paraat (M15445, dimethomorph) has five new EAMUs for use in GB and an identical five EAMUs for use in NI for control of downy mildew in protected crops of baby leaf crops, lambs lettuce, lettuce, annual and perennial herbs, protected ornamentals, outdoor herbs, seedling brassicas, chard, rocket, spinach, lettuce, brassica leaves and sprouts and outdoor radishes.
Changes to approval expiry dates:
CRD have extended the approvals of a number of products and actives, most of which are detailed below.
• The approval of Devrinol (M19358, napropamide) has been extended to 31/12/2026.
• The approval of Kopis (M20828, prohexadione-calcium) has been extended by one month to 30/7/2026!
• The approval of Insyst (M19873, acetamiprid) has been extended to 13/12/2026.
• The approval of Nexy 1 (M19347, Candida oleophila Strain 0) has been extended to 30/6/2027.
• The approval of Pan Cradle (M20839, fosetyl-aluminium + propamocarb hydrochloride for use in GB only) has been extended to 31/7/2027.
• The approval of Pan Penco (M120844, penconazole for use in GB only) has been extended to 7/8/2027.
• The approval of Actellic 50 EC (M19325, pirimiphos-methyl) has been extended to 15/12/2027.
• The approval of Boscler (M19113, boscalid) has been extended to 15/10/2028.
• The approval of the old ProFume (M17309) has been extended to 31/12/2025 whilst the new approval (M21186) runs until 31/7/2029.
• The approval of AC 650 and Colzamid (napropamide, M19399 & M19398) has been extended to 31/12/2026.
• The approval of Isonet T (M17929, tetradecadienyl + tetradecatrienyl acetates) has been extended to 29/2/2032 in GB only. The expiry date in NI remains at 28/2/2026. The same changes have also been made to RAK 3+4 (M17824, dodecadienol + tetradecenyl acetate + tetradecylacetate).
• The approval of Terridox (M15876, dimethachlor) has been extended to 15/4/2029.
• The approval of Honesty (M19666, fluxapyroxad) has been extended to 18/2/2027.
News Items:
• A case of confirmed resistance to glyphosate has been found in a population of Italian ryegrass. The Herbicide Resistance Action Group are emphasising the need for the use of strong dose rates and the need to make follow-up inspections of efficacy wherever glyphosate is used and the need to prevent any seed return from survivors.
• The approval of Optimo Tech (M16455) in GB has been reduced to 30/6/2026. The approval in NI already expires 20/5/2025.
• The approval of Cassiopeia (dimethomorph + pyraclostrobin, M16522) has been reduced to 30/6/2026 in GB while in NI it expires 20/5/2025.
• The approval of Clayton Spook (dicamba + prosulfuron, M19912) which was still approved in NI has now been withdrawn and is no longer approved for use. Casper from Syngenta is a similar product and remains approved for use in GB and NI until 9/9/2099.
• The approval of Futureco Nofly WP (Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, M19797) has not been supported for renewal in GB and have now expired. The latest use is now set at complete plant senescence or destruction (BBCH 99) and the expiry date on the Pesticide Register will be updated in due course. There will be a 6 month use-up period.
• Nexy 1 (Candida oleophila, M19347) has also not been supported for renewal and will be subject to the same use-up period.
Pic: Marilylle Soveran
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