BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide – New products and approvals December 2024
6th December 2024Updates to UKPG database December 2024
Note that the following amendments to UKPG will be automatically included in the next edition of the book which is due out January 2025 but they are immediately available in the on-line UKPG database at https://www.bcpc.org/my-account .
New Approvals:
• Bayer has amended the expiry date of Valdor Solo (M19567, flazasulfuron) from 9/9/2099 to 30/4/2026 but a new approval for this product has also been issued with a new MAPP No (M21057) under the approval holder name of 2022 Environmental Science FR SAS with an expiry date of 9/9/2099.
• Bayer also have a new fungicide mixture in isoflucypram + prothioconazole (Ipresso, M21113) which is approved for application to wheat, barley, oats, rye, spelt and triticale in GB only.
• Bayer has been busy. They have a new herbicide mixture for use in winter wheat and winter barley containing aclonifen, diflufenican and flufenacet – Challenge Plus (M21008). The dose rate in winter barley is 1.0 l/ha while in winter wheat it is 1.85 l/ha and this is reflected in different aquatic buffer zone requirements for barley (6m) and wheat (12m).
• BASF continue to develop mefentrifluconazole with a novel mixture approved for use in cereals as Revypro (mefentrifluconazole + prothioconazole, M21061).
• BASF have also re-registered Lybro 200 (pyraclostrobin, M21083) but the new approval lacks use on grain and forage maize like the original product (M19553) whose approval has been reduced from 15/3/2028 to 30/4/2026. The same is true of Retengo (M19551 & M 21084) and their other pyraclostrobin formulations – e.g. Flyer, Flyer 200.
• Corteva have a new mixture of actives for weed control in grassland and amenity grass. Pro-Grass (M21097) contains fluroxypyr + halauxifen-methyl + triclopyr and can be applied once per year in GB only.
• Corteva also have a new mixture for weed control in winter wheat, rye, triticale and spelt. Manhattan (M21091) contains florasulam, halauxifen-methyl and pyroxsulam. It is currently listed as PAR but when intention to market is confirmed and a label text becomes available it will be updated to a full entry.
• Corteva have also duplicated their Leystar product for GB only (M21140, clopyralid + florasulam + fluroxypyr) with no apparent change to the expiry date or approved crops list.
• A new supplier from China, Shandong Weifang Rainbow Chemical Co, has approval for a folpet product (Afupet, M21048) that mimics Arizona from Adama and it is listed as PAR in the database. They also have a trinexapac product (Brokpac, M21016) that is approved for use in GB only and this is also listed as PAR.
• Adama now have a mixture of fluxapyroxad + prothioconazole called Avastel (M21096) for disease control in wheat, barley, rye and triticale in GB only.
• Life Scientific have duplicated their Laya metsulfuron product with a new name and MAPP No – Bezel, M21112 and it is now listed as PAR.
• Life Scientific have also duplicated their Esker product (prothioconazole + tebuconazole) under a new name (Perch, M21063) which is approved until 31/7/2029 and Osaro Pro (125 g/l prothioconazole + 125 g/l tebuconazole) as Hercule (M21077) which is approved until 15/2/2028. They have also duplicated their boscalid product (Boscler) under a new name and MAPP No – Billet (M21075).
• Sharda have a new metconazole product (M21095, Misha) which mimics other metconazole products and is listed as PAR.
• Syngenta have expanded their cereal fungicide portfolio with a novel mixture – cyprodinil + prothioconazole – Kayak Era (M21114) which is added to UKPG as PAR until a label text is available.
• Environmental Science has duplicated their fosetyl-aluminium product currently approved for GB use only (Signature A Xtra Stressgard, M21003) with an identical name but approved for use in Northern Ireland (M21103).
• UPL Europe now has an approval for folpet in the name Folder Flex (M21007) which is approved until 31/1/2032.
EAMUs added:
• No new EAMUs have been added this month to avoid upsetting the page breaks of the 2025 edition of the book as it is prepared for printing. Once the print version is confirmed, any EAMUs issued recently will be added to the database and will appear in the on-line UKPG.
Changes to approval expiry dates: CRD have extended the approvals of a number of products and actives, most of which are detailed below.
• The approval of Frupica SC (M12067, mepanipyrim) has been extended until 31/10/2031 in GB only but has been reduced to 20/5/2025 in Northern Ireland.
• Serenade ASO (M16139,Bacillus subtilis) is due to expire 24/7/2026 but has now been extended in GB only until 31/10/2031 under a new MAPP No – 21020.
• The approval of Djembe (M18323, M19223 & M19342, bromuconazole + tebuconazole) has been extended to 15/2/2029.
• The approval of BAS 500 06 (M12338, pyraclostrobin) has been reduced to 31/5/2026 but it has been duplicated under a new MAPP No (M21087) which is approved until 15/3/2028.
• The approval of Sakura and Soleil (bromuconazole + tebuconazole, M18327, M19224 , M16869 & M19222) has been extended to 15/2/2029.
• The approval of Oxe from Albaugh (M19796, azoxystrobin) has been extended to 30/6/2027.
• The approval of Caryx (mepiquat chloride + metconazole) has been reduced to 15/9/2027.
• Frupica SC (M12067, mepanipyrim) now expires 20/5/2025 in Northern Ireland but continues in GB until 31/10/2031.
Pic: Humpapa
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