BCPC Congress 2015 – gets interactive with CRD
15th July 2015This year’s BCPC Congress, organised by BCPC (the British Crop Production Council), in association with TSGE Forum, will be taking place at the Hilton Metropole, Brighton, UK on 6-7 October 2015.
During Day One, Dave Bench, Director of Chemicals Regulation at the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will address working with the Regulation 1107/2009. After the sessions there will be an interactive workshop, entitled, ‘Pesticide Regulation: What are we looking for and how do we get there?’ led by Sarah Shore, Head of Plant Protection Products at HSE. This is open to all registered Congress delegates and will provide a unique opportunity to exchange stakeholder views, to explore expectations and needs for pesticide regulation under 1107/2009 – and discuss first-hand CRD’s views on future developments of the regulatory regime.
“Last year we offered a similar CRD session which proved very popular. A year down the line there is much to report and we are delighted that Sarah has agreed again to present CRD’s views and provide a forum for discussion,” says Dr Colin Ruscoe, Chairman, BCPC.
The comprehensive Congress programme will deliver insight, context and forecasting of EU crop protection regulation in an ever-demanding public and political environment. Details are now available on the dedicated BCPC Congress website at: www.bcpccongress.org.
Interest in the event is high but some sponsorship and a few exhibitor opportunities are still available for interested companies. Delegate registration is open at www.bcpccongress.org/register. For further information email: TSGE Forum at enquiries@tsgeforum.com.