What the SFIs mean for IPM

Theme: Maximizing Farm Profitability: How IPM Tools and SFIs Work Hand-in-Hand

The 9th Pests and Beneficials Review was held on the 25 January 2024 at the Sophi Taylor Building, NIAB, Cambridge.

The objective of the meeting was to discuss to what extent adoption of the Sustainable Farming Incentives scheme promotes the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The meeting also highlights where IPM tools contribute to profitable farm businesses that benefit from SFIs.


*Registration and Coffee10.00 Welcome, Review Chairperson
Andrew Francis, Chief Operating Officer, Team Ag UK
* The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI)
Caroline Nicholls, Sustainable Farming Incentive Content Team Leader for IPM, Defra – Click here for presentation slides
*Test and trial of SFIs and farmer adoption of the scheme
Dr. Chris Hartfield, Senior Regulatory Affairs Adviser, NFU – Click here for presentation slides
*Farmer perspective of SFI4 – s
Geoff Mayhew, Geoffrey Mayhew Farms Ltd.
Richard Ling, Rookery Farm Ltd – Click here for presentation slides


*Farmer Experience with IPM
Joe Stanley, Head of Training & Partnerships’ at the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust’s Allerton Project – Click here for presentation slides
*Poster Session and Short Talks by early career researchers and PhD students:
• Ben Hawthorne – Newcastle University – Click here for presentation slides
• John Owen – Harper Adams University – Click here for presentation slides
• Aimee Tonks – Harper Adams University – Click here for presentation slides
• Jack Perry – Teagasc/Harper Adams University – Click here for presentation slides
• Jennifer Byrne – Teagasc/University of Warwick – Click here for presentation slides
• Tom Foster – Keele University – Click here for presentation slides

*IPM Tools
Dr. Mark Ramsden, Principal Consultant, ADAS – Click here for presentation slides
*Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Systems (ASSIST) Project
Prof. Richard Pywell, Science Area Head, Biodiversity, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology – Click here for presentation slides
*Discussion & Review summary Chair


To view presentations from the 8th Pests & Beneficials Review, 2023, click here