BCPC Awards 2011
BCPC’s mission is to add value in areas of crop production, involving translation of science and technology into information that improves environmentally sound crop protection and production, in particular in areas not well served by other, independent, bodies or initiatives. This involves publications and responses to consultations, policies, legislation and press reports all made under the recognised BCPC brand of authority and independence.
Our mission also includes recognition of those contributing to the advancement of research and its translation into tools and techniques that benefit crop production. The BCPC Medals scheme started in 1985, to recognize such achievements, particularly where these were not well covered by more academic awards. Since then, over 50 awards have been made. BCPC is pleased to receive nominations for an award at any time.
By popular demand, medals were replaced with framed certificates in 2011, and the presentations are now known as the BCPC Awards.

William (Bill) J. Angus
On learning of his award Bill J. Angus said, “I am extremely grateful to BCPC for recognising my contribution to British agriculture with this award. I think it is a positive reflection of the way in which the UK is looking to create more output using a combination of plant genetics and appropriate chemistry. I have always been involved with wheat programmes, which have placed a high level of emphasis on disease resistance breeding but always stressed the need for this to be complemented by targeted agro-chemical use. This approach has been vindicated by this award and hopefully will send a strong signal about how we can produce higher output in a sustainable and environmentally sensitive manner.”
Bill’s full citation can be accessed by clicking here.

Dr. John Fisher
“Having served on the Medals Committee in previous years I am both surprised and very pleased to be awarded a medal myself!My career has been spent translating results of discovery programmes into best field practice in crop protection and production across a range of disciplines and geography so I am glad to see this sort of activity recognised,” said John, as he accepted his award.
John’s full citation can be accessed by clicking here.

Dr. Richard. (Dick) J. Godwin
On receiving his award Dick said, “It is a great honour for a soil and water engineer to be recognised by the BCPC for the contribution that I have tried to make to crop production in the UK over the past four decades and I would like to thank the Council very much for the Award. Whilst good soil and water management has always been vital to both crop productivity and the environment it has been overlooked in recent years. Thankfully, its importance is now being recognized as the demand for improved crop yields and quality, improved water efficiency and reduced energy consumption all impact upon the budgets of the farmer, the consumer and government.”
Dick’s full citation can be accessed by clicking here.

Dr Peter. J.W. Lutman
“I’m flattered to be awarded a BCPC medal and to join a group of illustrious crop production experts honoured by BCPC over many years,” said Peter.“BCPC has played a valuable role over more than 50 years in the communication of what is now called translational research (i.e. applied research) to the agricultural community and I like to think that I have played a useful role in resolving weed control problems faced by the industry through my research programmes and my long-time participation in BCPC’s Weeds Working group,” said Peter on receiving his award.
Peter’s full citation can be accessed by clicking here.