BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide – New products and approvals November 2024
4th November 2024Updates to UKPG database November 2024
Note that the following amendments to UKPG will be automatically included in the next edition of the book which is due out January 2025 but they are immediately available in the on-line UKPG database at https://www.bcpc.org/my-account .
New Approvals:
- Syngenta now has five product names for their new fungicide pydiflumetofen. Besides the original Miravis Plus (M20874) it is now approved as Miravis Excel (M21036), Miravis Alpha (M21035), Miravis Jewel (M21054) and Miravis Blade (M21056). All five products contain 62.5 g/l pydiflumetofen as an EC and are approved for disease control on what appears to be all cereal crops in GB only.
- Adama has duplicated its Ormet Plus product with the new name of Ormet Pro (M21042). Both contain 300 g/l chlormequat + 150 g/l ethephon for growth regulation in barley and winter wheat but Ormet Pro is only approved for use in GB. Adama also has this mixture approved as Bogota Pro (M21043), Socom Pro (M21040) and Chlormephon Pro (M21045) for use in GB only.
- Adama now has a novel mixture of established triazoles – difenoconazole + prothioconazole (Maganic, M21029) which can be used for disease control in rye, triticale, wheat, barley and winter oilseed rape in GB only. It is currently entered in the database as PAR while I await a copy of the label and confirmation of intent to market.
- Adama also has a new MAPP No for their Phoenix product (M21062, folpet) with identical recommendations and expiry date to the original product (M15259).
- Corteva has a new mixture of florasulam + halauxifen-methyl. The existing products are OD formulations and contain 5 + 6.25 g/l while the new product Quelex (M20848) is a water-dispersible granule formulation containing 100 + 104.232 g/kg and so is much more concentrated.
- A restriction has been placed on the application timing of Dragster (M20396, rimsulfuron + thifensulfuron-methyl). Forage and grain maize now requires application only during the period 1st May – 31st
- Bayer has a new prothioconazole seed treatment – Redigo Prime (M21032) which mirrors the original Redigo approval but since it contains only 25 g/l rather than the 100 g/l in Redigo, it is used at four times the dose rate for seed dressing of cereals.
- BASF has re-registered Comet and Comet 200 with new MAPP numbers and a later expiry date (pyraclostrobin, M20832 & M20831). The old Comet 200 was approved on grain and forage maize as well as wheat, barley and oats but the new approval is only for use on wheat barley and oats. Its other pyraclostrobin products with extended expiry dates are listed in the ‘Changes to Approval Expiry Dates’ below.
- BASF also has a new mixture of current actives in Revyflex (M21064 – mefentrifluconazole + metrafenone + pyraclostrobin) for disease control in cereals. This new product has missed the cut for the 2025 edition of the book but will be listed as PAR in section 3 and will be upgraded to a full entry in the on-line database when a label is available.
- Albaugh UK has duplicated the approvals of its Flame (tribenuron-methyl M17842 & M21065) and Flame Duo (florasulam + tribenuron-methyl M19097 & M21066) with amendments to the expiry dates. Both were approved to 9/9/2099 but now the earlier products expire 30/4/2026 while the later approvals run until 30/7/2036 for Flame and 30/6/2033 for Flame Duo.
- UPL has a new approval for Xerton (M21094, ethofumesate) which is only approved for use in wheat and extends the approval until 30/4/2034. The approval of the original Xerton (M17335) has been changed from 9/9/2099 to 30/4/2026.
- Clayton has a new approval called Clayton Nascar (M21058, mepiquat chloride + metconazole) that mimics BASF’s Caryx and is approved for use in oilseed rape.
- Masstock (Agrii) has a new approval for captan called Cleancrop Commander (M21033) approved for use on apples and pears in GB and NI.
- Helm AG has a new approval for mesotrione (M21053, Falstar) that allows either 1.0 l/ha x 1 or 0.75 l/ha x 2 for weed control in forage or grain maize.
EAMUs added:
- Spitfire (M19945, florasulam + fluroxypyr) now has an EAMU for control of cleavers, groundsel, mayweeds and sow thistles in grass seed crops.
- Coragen (M19498, chlorantraniliprole) now has an EAMU for control of Large pine weevil in protected ornamentals.
- The EAMU allowing Taegro (M19204, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB23) has been re-issued under a new number which extends the approval until 1/12/2034.
- Takumi SC (M16000, cyflufenamid) has 3 new EAMUs allowing control of popwdery mildew in protected loganberry, rubus hybrid, blackberry and raspberry and in outdoor crops of bilberry, blackcurrant, redcurrant, blueberry, cranberry, elderberry, gooseberry, mulberry and rose hips.
- Vintec (M20311, Trichoderma atroviride SC1) has three new EAMUs allowing control of canker in apples and pears, botrytis in protected cucurbits and control of botrytis, canker, phoma, blossom wilt and leaf blight in outdoor and protected ornamentals.
Changes to approval expiry dates: CRD have extended the approvals of a number of products and actives, most of which are detailed below.
- The approval of Valdor Flex (M20240, diflufenican + iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium) from Environmental Science has been extended to 30/6/2030. It is approved for use in GB only.
- The approval of Prepper (M19466, fludioxonil) has been extended to 15/12/2027.
- The approval of Univoq (M19930, fenpicoxamid + prothioconazole) has been extended to 11/4/2031.
- The approval of the latest products containing pyraclostrobin such as Flyer, Flyer 200, Lybro 200, Modem 200, Platoon, Platoon 200, Rentengo, Tucana, Tucana 200 and Vivid (pyraclostrobin, M12654, M17293, M19553, M19552, M12325, M12640, M19551, M10899, M17294 and M10898) has been extended to 15/3/2028. Older formulations (Comet, Flyer etc) now expire 30/4/2026.
- The approval of Duplosan Super, Hymec Triple and Isomec Ultra (dicloprop-p + MCPA + mecoprop-p, M18231, M15753 & M16033) has been extended to 15/9/2027.
- The approval of amisulbrom products (Gashinko , Leimay, Sanblight and Shinkon, M20973, M19280, M19273 & M17498) has been extended to 15/9/2029.
- The approvals of nicosulfuron products still marketed (Samson Extra et al) has been extended to 30/9/2029.
- The approval of Zorvec Entecta (amisulbrom + oxathiapiprolin, M20856) has been extended to 15/3/2029.
- The approval of Blackbird (M20204, pyraflufen-ethyl) has been extended to 30/9/2033.
- The approval of Chrysal AVB and Florissant 100 (M19041 & M19158, sodium silver thiosulphate) has been extended to 30/6/2029 in Northern Ireland but has been reduced in GB to 31/1/2026 with a notice of withdrawal.
- Products containing dimethomorph such as Dimix 500 (M18459, dimethomorph), Cassiopeia (M16522, dimethomorph + pyraclostrobin) Diprospero (M19188, dimethomorph + propamocarb), Hubble (M16089, dimethomorph + fluazinam) and Zampro (M19701, ametoctradin + dimethomorph) have been withdrawn from Northern Ireland with a final use date of 20/5/2025 but approval has been extended in GB with a final use date of 31/1/2030.
- Curago 45 WG (M19970, cymoxanil) has been commercially withdrawn as of 31/10/2024.
Pic: Marilylle Soveran
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