BCPC International Conference – Crop Science and Technology 2006
The annual BCPC Confenrece held in Glasgow is the leading intenrational event for all those involved in the world-wide crop production industry.
These short papers include all the platform presentations made during the 2006 Conference which covers the three themes of:
- Global aspects of crop protection. What are the risks? – crop production is integral in the global production of food. Food must satisfy consumer demand but the risks of crop protection products must also be evaluated and managed and the risks communicated to the general public.
- Factors affecting crop production – soil structure, fertility and soil micro-flora are key to healthy and profitable crop production.
- Global food supply. What is the problem? – modern consumer taste and expectations mean food producers and retailers are operating in a global market place. This puts increasing demands throughout the entire food chain from plough to plate.
Soft cover pp. 90
November 2006
ISBN 1 901396 66 5