Call for Poster Presentations – Congress 2019
1st August 2019During the last five decades, BCPC’s “Brighton” Congress has provided the UK’s main forum for showcasing new crop protection and production technologies. As the importance of political and regulatory drivers on crop protection have increased in recent years, the event has focused on these. This year’s event is particularly important as it sees the passage of the revolutionary UK Agriculture Bill through Parliament, with its emphasis on changes in support payments for environmental benefits and public goods. The Congress theme “Understanding the demands and opportunities of “Green Brexit” -– how do we deliver food production alongside environmental enhancement?” echoes this.
As well as Platform sessions, a Poster session will showcase the latest research in this area; submissions from Post-graduate students to this are particularly welcome.
Students will be able to Register for the full Congress at a discounted rate of £99 + VAT.
Those who would like to present a poster but not attend the Congress can register for a poster presentation pass at £39.00 + VAT
In addition, BCPC will be awarding a prize to the most compelling Poster presentation.
The Congress is held at the Hotel Metropole, Brighton 19/20 November; the 2-day programme, and further information on the Poster Session, can be seen below.
Poster Session
Day 1, Tuesday 19 November
This session will consist of up to twelve offered Posters relevant to the Theme of the Congress; delivering increases in food production simultaneously with environmental enhancement.
Exhibits can be on research, development projects, new products, or new presentations or uses of existing products. These can be physical or information products. Offerings focusing on implementation of IPM and precision agriculture, and offerings from postgraduate students, (see Congress Student registration concessions), will be particularly welcome.
The Organisers will accept posters based on relevance and quality, with emphasis on likely current or short-medium term impact on food production and environmental enhancement, robustness of the science and lucidity of the presentation.
Posters should describe objectives, methodology, results, conclusions (which should describe on how the work will impact on UK or global agriculture, and in what timescale), and names and contact details of authors.
In addition, BCPC will be awarding a prize for the best Poster. The prize(s) will be presented at the Congress Reception, which will follow the Session.
ACTION REQUIRED: The title/text of your proposed poster (with images if you wish) should be submitted by email, to Dr Colin Ruscoe email: colin.ruscoe@bcpc.org
The deadline for receipt of submission is Friday 11th October 2019; authors of those Posters selected will be informed as soon as possible after that date.
Please note that Poster presenters will not be able to attend the Congress programme unless they are registered for the Congress. Full Congress Registration is on offer to Students for £99.00 + VAT