BCPC 56th Annual Weed review

Theme – Emerging Science for Weed Control

The 2019 BCPC Weeds Review took place on Thursday 14 November 2019 at the Sophi Taylor Building, NIAB, Cambridge

This is an invitation only event. 

To access the speaker presentations please click on the presentation titles below which are highlighted.

Outlook on Pest Management Report

Chairman – Richard Hull, Rothamsted Research – Review Chairman.


09.30 – Registration and coffee

10.00 – Chairman’s introduction – Richard Hull

The BGRI project

10.05 – a) Overview of the BGRI project
Rob Edwards, Newcastle University

10.50 Comfort Break (10 mins)

Future emerging weed research

11.00 a) IWM Praise: Project overview and implications for UK weed management including horticultural crops.
Jonathan Storkey, Rothamsted Research

11.30 b) Allelopathy of black-grass
Darwin Hickman, Rothamsted Research

11.45 c) Using natural enemies against exotic weeds – an update on progress in the UK.
Dick Shaw, CABI

12.10 d) New tools to understand and manipulate black-grass
Dana MacGregor, Rothamsted Research

12.45 – 13.45 Lunch + posters

Nuffield Scholars – recent projects focusing on weed management
13.45 a) Keeping rotations profitable
Ben Taylor-Davis, Hutchinsons

14.10 b) Sustainability of no-till and related global knowledge transfer experiences
Richard Hinchliffe, Hinchliffe Farms

Glyphosate resistance management
14.35 a) Evolution of glyphosate insensitivity in UK populations of Alopercurus myosuroides
David Comont, Rothamsted Research

15.00 b) Glyphosate resistance AHDB project update
Lynn Tatnell, ADAS

15.25 Chairman’s wrap-up

For further information contact: Moira Hart email: moira@dewpointmarketing.co.uk